Many families and health care providers are debating whether the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which runs Medicare (CMS) and Congress are doing enough to implement processes to protect patients and their families from hospice providers who may be exploiting the service. Recently, CMS finalized a $340 Million/ 1.8 percent increase in Hospice payments for Medicare Hospice providers. According to reports, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) at HHS synthesized 10 years of … [Read more...] about CMS authorizes increase of $340 million in Hospice payments for FY 2019
Notification Requirements in Response to an Emergency or Disaster
Provider Letter 18-16 - This Long-Term Care regulatory provider letter is to inform a Home and Community Support Services Agency (HCSSA or agency) of notification requirements for temporary agency changes in response to an emergency or disaster. The letter details provider responsibilities regarding initial or renewal application changes due to an emergency or disaster, temporarily relocation of a place of business as a result of an emergency or disaster, providing services to clients who … [Read more...] about Notification Requirements in Response to an Emergency or Disaster
$8.6 Million in State Flexibility Grants Awarded by CMS to 30 States For Obamacare
The $8.6 million in State Flexibility Grants announced by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that would be allocated to 30 states and the District of Columbia comes with the Trump Administration' approval despite recent attempts to disassemble the ACA. The funding from Obamacare, which is part of $250 million for State Rate Review Grants provided by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) to improve the process for how States review proposed health … [Read more...] about $8.6 Million in State Flexibility Grants Awarded by CMS to 30 States For Obamacare
$434 Million in Financial Payments Improperly Issued by CMS to Insurers
In a new report by The HHS Office of Inspector General, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) was found to have wrongly funded $434.4 million in financial assistance payments to qualified health plan (QHPs) issuers for 461,127 policies. The audit revealed that the improperly authorized funding occurred in 2014, the first year the ACA law’s health insurance marketplaces went online. According to the report, CMS relied on insurers to verify that their enrollees were confirmed and … [Read more...] about $434 Million in Financial Payments Improperly Issued by CMS to Insurers
CMS Proposes Improvements in Managing the Medicaid program in Partnership with States
The Medicaid Review Process and Approval times are at the forefront of CMS effort to "implement changes resulting in faster processing of state requests to make program or benefit changes to their Medicaid program through the state plan amendment (SPA) and section 1915 waiver review process. According to reports, SPAs allow states to change their Medicaid program policies or operational approaches, while 1915 waivers let states develop home and community-based services for individuals who … [Read more...] about CMS Proposes Improvements in Managing the Medicaid program in Partnership with States
Fiscal Year 2018 Cutoff Dates for Fee-for-Service Year-end Closeout Processing
Information Letter 18-08 & No. 18-09 This letter announces several dates regarding Fiscal Year 2018 Claims Processing for claims to be paid by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). August 24, 2018 by noon is the cutoff date for Home and Community-based Services Providers and Texas Home Living Providers . For all other agencies, providers and facilities listed below, the cutoff dates are as follows: • Fiscal Year 2016 Miscellaneous Fee-for-Service (FFS) Claims Cutoff: … [Read more...] about Fiscal Year 2018 Cutoff Dates for Fee-for-Service Year-end Closeout Processing
Proposed Rule for Permanent Risk Adjustment Program for 2018
A new Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Press release details the proposed additional rule to address risk adjustment program for the 2018 benefit year. The rule would give payers the ability to receive 2018 risk adjustment payments by resolving legal contentions of the program’s operation and give CMS the ability to issue risk adjustment payments without interruptions for the current plan year. According to reports the risk adjustment payments also reimburse health insurers … [Read more...] about Proposed Rule for Permanent Risk Adjustment Program for 2018
New Web-based Licensure System – Texas Unified Licensure Information Portal (TULIP)
Provider Letter : PL 18-15 - Texas Unified License Information Portal (TULIP) is a new web-based licensure system designed specifically for licensed long-term care providers it will begin on Sept 4, 2018. All licensure applications will be electronic, including those for initial licenses, renewals and changes of ownership. The provider letter out lines important dates and information related to TULIP’s benefits and features, as well as instructions for making a successful transition to … [Read more...] about New Web-based Licensure System – Texas Unified Licensure Information Portal (TULIP)
HHS Releases Report on Hospice Care Fraud in US
A report released recently released by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) at the US Department of Health titled: Vulnerabilities in the Medicare Hospice Program Affect Quality Care and Program Integrity has highlighted that hospice care fraud is a nationwide problem in the US. The report found that hospices do not always provide needed services to beneficiaries and sometimes provide poor quality care for Nursing home residents and other patients. When care is provided hospices’ inappropriate … [Read more...] about HHS Releases Report on Hospice Care Fraud in US
Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act goes to Senate For Approval, May Become Law
Palliative and hospice care can improve both the quality of care and quality of life for patients who are terminally ill and their families. Now the Senate has the decision to follow the U.S. House of Representatives, which has unanimously approved a bill that would help doctors and other healthcare professional elevate their skills in providing hospice and palliative care. The H.R.1676 - Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act would also increase palliative care research and … [Read more...] about Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act goes to Senate For Approval, May Become Law