The series of bipartisan healthcare bills are being considered expedited rules that require two-third votes for approval. One bill H.R. 3635, amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act to revise the process by which Medicare administrative contractors (MACs) issue and reconsider local coverage determinations (LCDs) that: (1) are new, (2) restrict or substantively revise existing LCDs, or (3) are otherwise specified in regulation. According to reports, it would provide … [Read more...] about Multiple Bipartisan Healthcare Bills Head to Congress
CMS Proposes Improvements in Managing the Medicaid program in Partnership with States
The Medicaid Review Process and Approval times are at the forefront of CMS effort to "implement changes resulting in faster processing of state requests to make program or benefit changes to their Medicaid program through the state plan amendment (SPA) and section 1915 waiver review process. According to reports, SPAs allow states to change their Medicaid program policies or operational approaches, while 1915 waivers let states develop home and community-based services for individuals who … [Read more...] about CMS Proposes Improvements in Managing the Medicaid program in Partnership with States
Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act goes to Senate For Approval, May Become Law
Palliative and hospice care can improve both the quality of care and quality of life for patients who are terminally ill and their families. Now the Senate has the decision to follow the U.S. House of Representatives, which has unanimously approved a bill that would help doctors and other healthcare professional elevate their skills in providing hospice and palliative care. The H.R.1676 - Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act would also increase palliative care research and … [Read more...] about Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act goes to Senate For Approval, May Become Law
Trump Signs Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Into Law
With no opposition from the House or Senate, the U.S. Senate unanimously approved legislation of the H.R.6042 bill delay the nationwide deadline for electronic visit verification (EVV) or ( in-home health service bill) in Medicaid-reimbursed personal care services until 2020. President Donald Trump signed Rep. Brett Guthrie’s health care bill into law on July 30th. According to news reports, the 21st Century Cures Act, initially signed into law in 2016 under the Obama Administration, … [Read more...] about Trump Signs Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Into Law
Three Federal Health Privacy Rules including HIPPA to be reformed by HHS
U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) laws let providers share certain private information with patient family members and outside groups in emergencies; and now the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary Alex Azar confirmed that HHS will undertake an effort to reform federal health privacy rules, stating that "In the coming months, under the leadership of my deputy secretary, Eric Hargan, HHS will be releasing requests for information … [Read more...] about Three Federal Health Privacy Rules including HIPPA to be reformed by HHS
HHS facesbbacklash & concerns over proposed changes by the Trump administration to Title X Program
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Trump administration published a series of proposed changes to the regulations governing the Title X family planning program. Title X, enacted in 1970, is the only federal grant program dedicated solely to providing individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services gives access to fundamental health care possible for 4 million low-income, uninsured, and underserved Americans each … [Read more...] about HHS facesbbacklash & concerns over proposed changes by the Trump administration to Title X Program
Texas, and 19 other states battle Affordable Care Act as “unconstitutional” in Federal Court
More than 8.8 million Americans are enrolled in the Affordable Care Act healthcare law spearheaded by President Barack Obama. An unpopular mandate of the Affordable Care Act, a tax penalty for the uninsured was repealed by a bill passed by Congress and signed by President Trump in December. Now, Texas is among 20 states where 20 Republican state attorneys general are suing to overturn the law, asking a federal court to hold the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate and the … [Read more...] about Texas, and 19 other states battle Affordable Care Act as “unconstitutional” in Federal Court
Proposed Women’s Health Care Law Requires Insurers to Cover Women’s Preventative Care
With the looming threats by the Republican-led White House to repeal the federal health care law (Obamacare), a new health care bill, Defending Access to Women’s Health Care Services Amendment Act, was introduced to prevent insurance companies from charging more specifically for women's health services like cancer screenings or contraceptive costs. According to news sources, Washington officials signed legislation requiring all insurance companies in the Washington, D.C. to cover a list of … [Read more...] about Proposed Women’s Health Care Law Requires Insurers to Cover Women’s Preventative Care
New Law gives Healthcare providers and Nurses Religious Protections
According to reports, a newly created division of the Department of Health and Human Service’s Office for Civil Rights will oversee and protect health care workers who decline to partake in certain medical procedures for patients due to moral or religious objections. HHS’ Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a proposed rule on "protecting life" and “conscience rights” that will further protect health-care providers who think they are being punished or discriminated … [Read more...] about New Law gives Healthcare providers and Nurses Religious Protections