Provider Letter 18-16 – This Long-Term Care regulatory provider letter is to inform a Home and Community Support Services Agency (HCSSA or agency) of notification requirements for temporary agency changes in response to an emergency or disaster.
The letter details provider responsibilities regarding initial or renewal application changes due to an emergency or disaster, temporarily relocation of a place of business as a result of an emergency or disaster, providing services to clients who have evacuated outside of the agency’s service area and suspension of normal business operations for 10 or more consecutive days due to an emergency.
Excerpt from Provider Letter: In the coming months, HCSSA providers will also be able to provide written
notice to HHSC of temporary changes due to an emergency or disaster through the Texas Unified Licensure Information Portal (TULIP), an online licensure application system, if the system is available during such an
emergency or disaster. Changes submitted through TULIP, when operable, will be deemed to satisfy the required written notice to a designated survey office or the equivalent of notice to the Licensing & Credentialing Section by
email, as applicable.
This letter gives the requirements and other helpful information when notifying HHSC of a change or update as a result of an emergency or disaster including:
2.1 Temporary Relocation
2.2 Temporary Expansion of Service Area
2.3 Voluntary Suspension of Operations
3.0 Background/History
4.0 Forms/Appendices
5.0 Contact Information