Texas HHSC has adopted one new rule and several amendments to rules in the Texas Administrative Code, implementing legislation from HB 2025 passed in 2017. The rules were effective on October 28, 2018, but HHSC is giving Alf's, DAHS facilities and NF's until May 1, 2019 to develop and implement the policies related to Alzheimer's training. Enforcement on the other rule changes will be enforced now. The provider letter announcing this can be found here. The Texas Secretary of State has … [Read more...] about Newly Adopted Rules for ALF’s, DAHS’s, ICFs/IID, NF’s and Pediatric Extended Care Centers
Provider Letter Regarding Incident Reporting Requirements
Provider Letter PL 2018-20 (Replaces PL 13-04 and PL 18-07) This letter gives directives to the following provider types: Assisted Living Facilities (ALFs), Day Activity and HealthnServices (DAHS) Facilities, Home and Community Support Services Agencies (HCSSAs), Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability (ICFs/IID), Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers (PPECs) Nursing Facilities (NFs) A provider (as listed above) must include in an initial … [Read more...] about Provider Letter Regarding Incident Reporting Requirements
Fiscal Year 2018 Cutoff Dates for Fee-for-Service Year-end Closeout Processing
Information Letter 18-08 & No. 18-09 This letter announces several dates regarding Fiscal Year 2018 Claims Processing for claims to be paid by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). August 24, 2018 by noon is the cutoff date for Home and Community-based Services Providers and Texas Home Living Providers . For all other agencies, providers and facilities listed below, the cutoff dates are as follows: • Fiscal Year 2016 Miscellaneous Fee-for-Service (FFS) Claims Cutoff: … [Read more...] about Fiscal Year 2018 Cutoff Dates for Fee-for-Service Year-end Closeout Processing
New Web-based Licensure System – Texas Unified Licensure Information Portal (TULIP)
Provider Letter : PL 18-15 - Texas Unified License Information Portal (TULIP) is a new web-based licensure system designed specifically for licensed long-term care providers it will begin on Sept 4, 2018. All licensure applications will be electronic, including those for initial licenses, renewals and changes of ownership. The provider letter out lines important dates and information related to TULIP’s benefits and features, as well as instructions for making a successful transition to … [Read more...] about New Web-based Licensure System – Texas Unified Licensure Information Portal (TULIP)
Annual Mandatory Training for Assisted Living Facility Manager
Long-Term Care Regulatory Provider Letter PL 18-12 (ALF) - Texas Health and Safety Code, Section 247.066(h) directs the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), to require that facility managers complete an annual training on aging in place and retaliation. The ALF rule is found at Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 1, §92.41(f)(6). HHSC has developed a web-based training that meets this requirement. The creation of this course was required by House Bill (HB) 2109, … [Read more...] about Annual Mandatory Training for Assisted Living Facility Manager
Technical Memoranda (TM) concerning prescribed Life Safety Code (LSC) standards for ALFs
Provider Letter 18-11 - Technical Memoranda (TM) concerning prescribed Life Safety Code (LSC) standards for ALFs to be responsible for reviewing the LSC TM and complying with the guidance provided therein. The LSC is a set of fire protection requirements designed to provide a reasonable degree of safety at Assisted Living Facilities. It covers construction, protection, and operational features designed to provide safety from fire, smoke, and panic. According to the letter and 2.0 Policy … [Read more...] about Technical Memoranda (TM) concerning prescribed Life Safety Code (LSC) standards for ALFs
Accessibility Standards in Assisted Living Facilities
Provider Letter PL 18-05 (ALF) This letter describes procedures related to enforcement of accessibility standards during initial Life Safety Code (LSC) inspections for Assisted Living Facilities. 2.0 Policy Details Senate Bill 1049, 85th Legislature, 2017 added §247.0264 to Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 247, that affirms the role of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) in the interpretation and enforcement of accessibility standards in assisted living … [Read more...] about Accessibility Standards in Assisted Living Facilities
Amended Nursing Peer Review Committee (NPRC) Requirements and a State Agency’s Duty to Report
PL 18-06 - Long-Term Care Regulatory Provider Letter (PL) The Texas Health and Human Services Commission released the provider letter to nursing providers (ALF, DAHS, HCSSA, ICF/IID, and Nursing Facilities) the letter details that House Bill (HB) 3296, 85th Legislature, Regular Session, 2017, amended Texas Occupations Code §303.0015, regarding the establishment of a NPRC. Additionally, this letter clarifies the process a surveyor from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) … [Read more...] about Amended Nursing Peer Review Committee (NPRC) Requirements and a State Agency’s Duty to Report
Provider Letter regarding Rule Amendments in Texas Administrative Code (TAC) – Change of Ownership
Provider Letter No. 17-38 - the Health and Human Service Commission (HHSC) added new rules and amended existing rules regarding the change of ownership (CHOW) process for ALFs. According to the letter, under the amended rules, a CHOW occurs when the federal tax identification number of the license holder changes. When the number changes, the incoming license applicant must apply for an initial license and submit the required documents as required by §92.12(b), which states that an applicant … [Read more...] about Provider Letter regarding Rule Amendments in Texas Administrative Code (TAC) – Change of Ownership
DADS Functions Abolished after 2-Year HHS Transformation
Provider Letter No. 17-37 – The Department of Aging & Disability Services (DADS) is no longer a stand-alone agency and has been transferred to the Health and Human Service Commission (HHSC), although the regulatory processes for notifying providers of changes to licensure requirements will remain unchanged. Regulatory programs and management of the operations for state supported living centers will transfer to HHS .The provider letter details that HHSC will continue to notify providers of … [Read more...] about DADS Functions Abolished after 2-Year HHS Transformation