Information Letter 18-08 & No. 18-09 This letter announces several dates regarding Fiscal Year 2018 Claims Processing for claims to be paid by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). August 24, 2018 by noon is the cutoff date for Home and Community-based Services Providers and Texas Home Living Providers . For all other agencies, providers and facilities listed below, the cutoff dates are as follows: • Fiscal Year 2016 Miscellaneous Fee-for-Service (FFS) Claims Cutoff: … [Read more...] about Fiscal Year 2018 Cutoff Dates for Fee-for-Service Year-end Closeout Processing
PPAT Notice For Draft Rule Amendments Regarding Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation
Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) implemented rules that address changes in the authority of the DFPS Adult Protective Services (APS) Provider division, as amended by SB 1880 and SB 760, 84th Legislative Session (2015). The changes give the APS Provider division the authority to investigate an allegation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation (ANE) of an adult or child who receives a service from a provider who contracts with HHSC to provide Medicaid waiver or Medicaid state plan services and … [Read more...] about PPAT Notice For Draft Rule Amendments Regarding Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation
DADS Functions Abolished after 2-Year HHS Transformation
Provider Letter No. 17-37 – The Department of Aging & Disability Services (DADS) is no longer a stand-alone agency and has been transferred to the Health and Human Service Commission (HHSC), although the regulatory processes for notifying providers of changes to licensure requirements will remain unchanged. Regulatory programs and management of the operations for state supported living centers will transfer to HHS .The provider letter details that HHSC will continue to notify providers of … [Read more...] about DADS Functions Abolished after 2-Year HHS Transformation
Proposed Amendments to streamline ICF/IID & HCS/TxHmL Provider Cost Report Rules
HHSC Report- Effective January 1st 2018, information contained in PPAT on cost report rule changes to be adopted by March 2018, address the implementation of a cost report reform initiative for HCS/TxHmL and ICF/IID providers as required by Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)On Jan. 1st, HHSC requires only even-year cost reports beginning with the providers’ 2018 fiscal year cost reports for HCS/TxHmL (§355.722(a) and ICF/IID(§355.105(c)(1) )providers. HHSC also proposes … [Read more...] about Proposed Amendments to streamline ICF/IID & HCS/TxHmL Provider Cost Report Rules
Changes to HCS Handbook Regarding Results of Residential Visit
Information Letter No. 17-23 – The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is making changes to the HCS Handbook, Section 14411. The handbook revisions pertain to results from a residential visit described in rule at Title 40, Texas Administrative Code, §9.171(j).The changes will explain how a score from a residential visit is calculated• Clarify when evidence of correction is required after a residential visit• Clarify when HHSC takes follow-up action after a residential visit• … [Read more...] about Changes to HCS Handbook Regarding Results of Residential Visit
Approved Rate Reductions in the HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs (Effective August 1, 2017)
Information Letter No. 17-16 - Effective August 1, 2017, The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has listed its new and approved payment rate changes (decrease in payment rates) for the following providers as identified in the below list. HHSC has exempted the rates for the Consumer Directed Services (CDS) option from these rate reductions. All providers should share with any CDS employers to whom they provide any HCS or TxHmL services that the CDS option is specifically exempted … [Read more...] about Approved Rate Reductions in the HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs (Effective August 1, 2017)
Preparing for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2017 Fee-for-Service Claims Billing Closeout
Information Letter No. 17-13 - This letter is addressed to all service providers, facilities, and agencies. August 31, 2017 is the end of fiscal year closeout and it is important for all providers to promptly submit claims to be paid by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) for any unbilled services. HHS will publish additional details regarding cutoff dates for fiscal year 2017. This information letter addresses the following:12-month filing rule - Providers should ensure not … [Read more...] about Preparing for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2017 Fee-for-Service Claims Billing Closeout
CMS to add 200 more facilities to the Music & Memory Program in Texas. Latest expansion to include 165 more nursing homes.
Music therapy is one of the methods that health facilities and providers are researching which may be beneficial to people with disabilities living in long-term intermediate care facilities. The Music & Memory initiative for Dementia patients began in 2015 as a way to improve and build upon the quality of life for those nursing home residents. The music and memory program's first two phases included a roll-out at 250 nursing homes in Texas. The program is executed by using Apple iPods or … [Read more...] about CMS to add 200 more facilities to the Music & Memory Program in Texas. Latest expansion to include 165 more nursing homes.
The Legislature and IDR for Assisted Living, HCS and TxHmL
The Texas Legislature passed two bills that revise Informal Dispute Resolution procedures for Assisted Living and providers participating in certain Medicaid waiver programs.SB 924 by Senator Perry out of Lubbock affects assisted living facilities. Here are the present procedures. You can look at the changes in the Enrolled version here. Although some of the really strong, helpful language originally in the bill didn’t make it to the end, it does specify documents that must come to the … [Read more...] about The Legislature and IDR for Assisted Living, HCS and TxHmL
DADS will begin reviewing and retiring, revising and/or reissuing provider letters issued eight years ago or more
Provider Letter No. 17-08 – Process for Retiring Provider LettersThe goals of this retire or revise initiative are to streamline DADS regulatory policies, reduce provider and stakeholder confusion, and manage the volume of letters with which DADS-regulated facilities, agencies, and licensees are expected to be familiar. DADS will begin issuing a series of program specific PLs that announce the list of letters that are being retired.Please be advised that notice that a letter is being retired … [Read more...] about DADS will begin reviewing and retiring, revising and/or reissuing provider letters issued eight years ago or more