In a press release revealed today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced its efforts to provides American consumers with the ability to claim a hardship exemption from the tax penalty imposed by the ACA (Obamacare) for not maintaining health coverage for 2018 on their federal income tax returns, making it easier for taxpayers across the nation to claim their exemption. According to this excerpt from the press release: This new option to claim a hardship exemption … [Read more...] about CMS Announces Option to Claim Hardship Exemption from the Individual Healthcare Mandate
HHS facesbbacklash & concerns over proposed changes by the Trump administration to Title X Program
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Trump administration published a series of proposed changes to the regulations governing the Title X family planning program. Title X, enacted in 1970, is the only federal grant program dedicated solely to providing individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services gives access to fundamental health care possible for 4 million low-income, uninsured, and underserved Americans each … [Read more...] about HHS facesbbacklash & concerns over proposed changes by the Trump administration to Title X Program
Who has the greatest impact on high healthcare costs?
In a new NEJM Catalyst Buzz Survey, the question of who is the biggest driver of high healthcare costs brings physicians, healthplans, pharmacuetical & bio-tech companies under scrutiny. Doctors who have been blamed for the inflated cost of US healthcare due to expensive recommendations or overtreating patients have maintained that even though the discussion needs to be had with patients about healthcare costs, they have no power to determine the price of a drug or new healthcare … [Read more...] about Who has the greatest impact on high healthcare costs?
“Medicare Extra for All” plan proposed for universal healthcare
A new plan signals revived interest in public options and even Medicare-for-all. To address healthcare challenges, the Center for American Progress proposes a new system— Medicare Extra that would include important enhancements to the current Medicare program: an out-of-pocket limit, coverage of dental care and hearing aids, and integrated drug benefits. Medicare Extra would be available to all Americans, regardless of income, health status, age, or insurance status. According to reports, the … [Read more...] about “Medicare Extra for All” plan proposed for universal healthcare
Proposed Women’s Health Care Law Requires Insurers to Cover Women’s Preventative Care
With the looming threats by the Republican-led White House to repeal the federal health care law (Obamacare), a new health care bill, Defending Access to Women’s Health Care Services Amendment Act, was introduced to prevent insurance companies from charging more specifically for women's health services like cancer screenings or contraceptive costs. According to news sources, Washington officials signed legislation requiring all insurance companies in the Washington, D.C. to cover a list of … [Read more...] about Proposed Women’s Health Care Law Requires Insurers to Cover Women’s Preventative Care
Texas to receive $25 Billion in Medicaid Funding after Approval of the 1115 Demonstration Waiver
According to The Office of Texas Government news release, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have reached an agreement to continue a critical part of the state’s Medicaid program over the next five years.The approval of the 1115 Demonstration Waiver will allow the state to continue expanding managed care to Medicaid clients while also preserving supplemental payments to hospitals and other critical Medicaid providers. According to … [Read more...] about Texas to receive $25 Billion in Medicaid Funding after Approval of the 1115 Demonstration Waiver
Texans to face new obstacles as Obamacare open enrollment nears with government cuts
On November 1st, the open enrollment period for the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA) begins. The 2018 open enrollment runs from November 1st to December 15th and is a crucial time to reach a critical number of under and uninsured individuals in order to get them covered. With enrollment during that period coverage would start on January 1, 2018. This years period is shorter than the 3-month period last year and has been reduced to 6 weeks. According to reports, government cutbacks in the form of … [Read more...] about Texans to face new obstacles as Obamacare open enrollment nears with government cuts
Temporary Extension of Medicaid for Certain Intellectual Developmental Disability Waiver Program Recipients
Information Letter No. 17-19DADS has published the latest information letter regarding Temporary Extension of Medicaid for Certain Intellectual Developmental Disability Waiver Program Recipients Who Lose Supplemental Security Income and Medicaid. With a denial of SSI, Medicaid is automatically ended. This letter is for informational purposes regarding a process change affecting certain individuals receiving waiver services and does not affect the providers’ or local intellectual developmental … [Read more...] about Temporary Extension of Medicaid for Certain Intellectual Developmental Disability Waiver Program Recipients
Obama Proposes Medicaid and Medicare Cuts
Last week President Barack Obama proposed to cut $313 billion from Medicaid and Medicare over the next 10 years as part of so-called health reform, in addition to the $635 billion in cuts in his FY 2010 budget. (Source) The president proposes to expand coverage to "millions" who don't have it, while bringing down the cost of care. How does he intend to accomplish these seemingly opposing goals? Among other things, limiting growth of Medicare's fee-for-service payments and cutting subsidies to … [Read more...] about Obama Proposes Medicaid and Medicare Cuts
Primary Care Physician Shortage
The shortage of nurses in the United States is well documented. As baby boom-generation nurses retire and others leave the profession because of burn-out, the shortage will continue to increase. What is not discussed as often in mainstream press is the shortage of physicians. The shortage of primary care doctors will have the most impact on people without insurance and people who'll need long term care, such as older Americans. Because a medical education is so expensive, many are opting to … [Read more...] about Primary Care Physician Shortage