The Office of Inspector General has this month, released a report entitled CMS Improperly Paid Millions of Dollars for Skilled Nursing Facility Services When the Medicare 3-Day Inpatient Hospital Stay Requirement Was Not Met. Under the law, post-hospital extended care is reimbursable when there is a 3-day consecutive inpatient hospital stay. According to the OIG, there was a lack of coordinated notification between hospitals, beneficiaries and SNF's. The OIG recommended additional … [Read more...] about OIG Finds Improper Payment for Skilled Nursing Facilities
Sham Medical Director Agreements
The U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Florida pursued a nursing home for an allegedly sham Medical Director arrangement with a local orthopedic physician. The nursing facility and physician are to pay 1.5 million back to the government as part of a settlement agreement. It was alleged that the purpose of the agreement was to induce the physician to refer patients to the facility for rehabilitation services: The settlements announced today resolve allegations that Conway … [Read more...] about Sham Medical Director Agreements