During the exit interview of a RUG review, you will be asked to sign and initial documents. It is very important that you understand what you are initialing or signing. Carefully review the document that you are asked to sign and ask questions if you don’t understand it before you sign or initial. These documents create a record that may become relevant in a Reconsideration or Appeal. Let us discuss the details by first reviewing the … [Read more...] about RUG Reviews: Signing Documents Provided by the Reviewers
YOUR RIGHTS DURING A RUG REVIEW What are your rights during a RUG Review? It may be an overstatement to say that you have rights as the deck is so stacked against the provider and in favor of the OIG. But, there are a few things to which you are entitled as part of the process of which you should be aware. First, the OIG is required to give you a letter upon entrance into your facility. This is the signal that the review is beginning. The letter will explain the procedures of the … [Read more...] about YOUR RIGHTS DURING A RUG REVIEW
Social Media and Your Health Care Organization
A new study on social media and health care shows that more than 1, 200 hospitals participate on 4,200 social networking sites. Social media is changing the nature of healthcare interaction, and health care organizations that ignore this virtual environment may be missing opportunities to engage consumers. From a marketing perspective, health care organizations and small businesses should seize the opportunities to capitalize on social media. However, social media in health care is not … [Read more...] about Social Media and Your Health Care Organization
Here’s A Little Medical Humor
Managing Employees During Economic Recovery
This is a short video training regarding employment law. It is conducted by Julie Plowman, J.D.. It is informational only. If you need legal advice, please contact a lawyer. Also, Julie is available for training your managers. [tubepress mode="playlist" playlistValue="9DAAD23999BAC93E"] … [Read more...] about Managing Employees During Economic Recovery
Never Talk to the Police
I've been wanting to post this video for a while. With the ramping up of fraud investigations and investigations of abuse and neglect, there is a chance that some of you might be subjected to an investigation by law enforcement. Additionally, there are investigators in the AG's office whose background is law enforcement. This is a great video about how these people work and why you should jealously guard your 5th Amendment rights. Here is part 2. … [Read more...] about Never Talk to the Police
Law, Health & Liberty Podcast–Andy Schlafly of the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons
This is Garlo Ward's second podcast. It now has a name, Law, Health & Liberty. Click on the title to see the podcast. I chose this name because I see my firm's job as protecting the liberty interests of health providers against the actions of government which undermine your ability to serve patients, consumers and residents. In this podcast, I interview Andy Schlafly , the General Counsel of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) about sham peer review and the … [Read more...] about Law, Health & Liberty Podcast–Andy Schlafly of the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons