Information Letter No. 17-16 - Effective August 1, 2017, The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has listed its new and approved payment rate changes (decrease in payment rates) for the following providers as identified in the below list. HHSC has exempted the rates for the Consumer Directed Services (CDS) option from these rate reductions. All providers should share with any CDS employers to whom they provide any HCS or TxHmL services that the CDS option is specifically exempted … [Read more...] about Approved Rate Reductions in the HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs (Effective August 1, 2017)
Nursing Facility Transition REVISED by DADS: Nursing Facility Changes to the Medicaid Claims Submission Process
The Department of Aging and Disability Services is re-issuing this letter to provide updatedinformation about effective dates for the changes discussed in the original letter. The original letter(Information Letter 2014-68, Nursing Facility Transition: Nursing Facility Changes to theMedicaid Claims Submission Process) was posted on October 21, 2014. This letter replaces thepreviously published letter. In conjunction with the transition of nursing facilities (NFs) to STAR+PLUS managed care … [Read more...] about Nursing Facility Transition REVISED by DADS: Nursing Facility Changes to the Medicaid Claims Submission Process
Consumer Directed Services Budget Workbook Revisions to Accommodate Rate Changes for the CBA Program
The purpose of the letter is to provide direction to Financial Management Services Agencies (FMSAs) on updating Consumer Directed Services (CDS) employers’ budgets to accommodate the new payment rate, effective March 1, 2014, for Community Based Alternatives (CBA) Personal Assistance Services (PAS). The Health and Human Services Commission approved rate can be found in Information Letter No. 14- 16. The rate change for CBA PAS requires a service authorization change. By May 30, 2014, the … [Read more...] about Consumer Directed Services Budget Workbook Revisions to Accommodate Rate Changes for the CBA Program