HHSC Report– Effective January 1st 2018, information contained in PPAT on cost report rule changes to be adopted by March 2018, address the implementation of a cost report reform initiative for HCS/TxHmL and ICF/IID providers as required by Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)
- On Jan. 1st, HHSC requires only even-year cost reports beginning with the providers’ 2018 fiscal year cost reports for HCS/TxHmL (§355.722(a) and ICF/IID(§355.105(c)(1) )providers. HHSC also proposes amendments to §355.102(d) which requires all providers to attend state-sponsored cost report training every other year for the even-year cost report. Current language requires they attend cost report training for odd-year cost reports.
- A proposed amendment to 1 TAC §355.112(h)(2)(B) requires ICF/IID and HCS/TxHmL providers to submit an Attendant Compensation Report for odd years beginning with the rate year that starts September 1, 2017. An amendment to §355.112(j) updates a citation related to completion of cost reports functioning as Attendant Compensation Reports in the ICF/IID program. Also, an amendment to §355.112(t)(2) updates language regarding provider requests for recalculation of recoupment.
- Though implemented September 1, 2017, the attached document includes rule text at §§ 355.456(j)(8) and 355.723(f)(10) that repeals the Total Medicaid Spending Requirement in the ICF/IID and HCS/TxHmL reimbursement methodology rules. This action allowed providers who chose to not receive the program rates in effect on August 31, 2015, (i.e., providers who chose to “opt out” of the September 1, 2015, rate increases in order to be exempt from the Total Medicaid Spending Requirement) to receive the rates that were adopted effective September 1, 2015, effectively eliminating the rate differential between providers who “opted in” and providers who “opted out.”
For more details on the Reform of Cost Reporting Process for Home and Community based Services (HCS), Texas Home Living (TxHmL), and Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions (IDF/IID) Providers click here.