According to reports, a group of traditional tech giants, including Alphabet, Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, and Salesforce, proposed a similar set of standards and pledged to make products (including selling medical supplies directly to hospitals and clinics) that support them to help the healthcare industry. The group wants to build tools for the health community around a set of common standards for exchanging health information electronically, called "FHIR." FHIR offers healthcare providers and … [Read more...] about Amazon, Tech Giants Try To Fix Broken Healthcare System
HHS facesbbacklash & concerns over proposed changes by the Trump administration to Title X Program
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Trump administration published a series of proposed changes to the regulations governing the Title X family planning program. Title X, enacted in 1970, is the only federal grant program dedicated solely to providing individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services gives access to fundamental health care possible for 4 million low-income, uninsured, and underserved Americans each … [Read more...] about HHS facesbbacklash & concerns over proposed changes by the Trump administration to Title X Program
Who has the greatest impact on high healthcare costs?
In a new NEJM Catalyst Buzz Survey, the question of who is the biggest driver of high healthcare costs brings physicians, healthplans, pharmacuetical & bio-tech companies under scrutiny. Doctors who have been blamed for the inflated cost of US healthcare due to expensive recommendations or overtreating patients have maintained that even though the discussion needs to be had with patients about healthcare costs, they have no power to determine the price of a drug or new healthcare … [Read more...] about Who has the greatest impact on high healthcare costs?
Amended Nursing Peer Review Committee (NPRC) Requirements and a State Agency’s Duty to Report
PL 18-06 - Long-Term Care Regulatory Provider Letter (PL) The Texas Health and Human Services Commission released the provider letter to nursing providers (ALF, DAHS, HCSSA, ICF/IID, and Nursing Facilities) the letter details that House Bill (HB) 3296, 85th Legislature, Regular Session, 2017, amended Texas Occupations Code §303.0015, regarding the establishment of a NPRC. Additionally, this letter clarifies the process a surveyor from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) … [Read more...] about Amended Nursing Peer Review Committee (NPRC) Requirements and a State Agency’s Duty to Report
Proposed rule addresses healthcare providers’ right regarding patients care for religious or moral reasons
A Proposed Rule by the Health and Human Services Department is purported to give healthcare providers sweeping discretion to refuse patients care for religious or moral reasons. The rule, Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care; Delegations of Authority, explains that since the U.S. has a long history of providing conscience-based protections for individuals and entities with objections to certain activities based on religious belief and moral convictions, they propose to revise … [Read more...] about Proposed rule addresses healthcare providers’ right regarding patients care for religious or moral reasons
Abuse & poor quality care rate in Texas nursing homes is nearly four times the national average
Many nursing homes have hired Certified Nurse Aides with criminal histories legally. Using data from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, it has been discovered that the patient abuse rate in Texas nursing homes is nearly four times the national average. 25% of the state's 1,200 long-term care centers have been cited for serious standard deficiencies- According to reports by the AARPIn Texas, there are many nurse aides in nursing facilities that have criminal … [Read more...] about Abuse & poor quality care rate in Texas nursing homes is nearly four times the national average
Participant Surveys in the DBMD Program Receiving Licensed Assisted Living
Information Letter No. 17-24 DADS has published its latest information letter directed to Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) Program Providers. The letter outlines the Texas Health and Human Services Commission requirements for the DBMD program providers to perform certain activities related to participant surveys in the DBMD Program and to complete a provider survey. HHSC will schedule face-to-face visits with these people to survey them about the services they receive and their … [Read more...] about Participant Surveys in the DBMD Program Receiving Licensed Assisted Living
Physician’s duties increasingly reduced by nurses, long-term care providers for chronically ill
According to news reports a shifting role of physicians is expected to accelerate in the coming decades. Healthcare providers work as a team with health specialist usually overseeing various aspects of a patients care including symptoms and medical history, orders for tests and services, prescriptions, etc. At the end of the pre-screening by healthcare providers, a physician is left with the final assessment and the plan—the medical decisions and diagnosis. some doctors are said to be opting … [Read more...] about Physician’s duties increasingly reduced by nurses, long-term care providers for chronically ill
Nursing Home Disaster Preparation Under Scrutiny, Evaluated by Senators
The Hurricane Ima weather disaster claimed the lives of nine nursing home residents in Florida who died as a result of lack of A/C due to power outages and non-working backup generators. In Texas, Hurricane Harvey brought attention to the fact that an El Paso, Texas, nursing home had no plan for how to bring wheelchair-dependent people down flights of stairs, while many others had to wade through waist-deep floodwaters to exit the facilities. As a result of these disturbing occurrences, … [Read more...] about Nursing Home Disaster Preparation Under Scrutiny, Evaluated by Senators
Telemedicine Rules Released To Affect 28 million patients in Texas
Healthcare providers in the State of Texas will have to review the new Telemedicine Rules released this month by the Texas Medical Board. The new rules are reported to eliminate a few obstacles doctors faced in utilizing telemedicine to treat patients and mark the final barriers in a years-long battle to loosen restrictive telehealth rules in the Texas. According to reports, the proposed rules eliminate the provisions that a "patient site telepresenter" must be available for patients being … [Read more...] about Telemedicine Rules Released To Affect 28 million patients in Texas