Information Letter No. 18-06 : This letter addresses preparation for the August 31, 2018, end of fiscal year closeout. Providers must promptly submit claims to be paid by the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) for any unbilled services. Any problems associated with the claims are resolved within the 12-month filing limitation. The letter directly addresses the following: Adult Foster Care Providers Assisted Living Facilities Community Attendant Services Providers Community … [Read more...] about Preparing for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2018 Fee-for-Service Claims Billing Closeout
Nursing Providers – Designation of Disability Rights Texas as Protection and Advocacy System in Texas
Provider Letter - PL 18-08 (NF) - Nursing providers have been issued a new provider letter regarding Disability Rights Texas (DRTx). Prior to March 2011, Disability Rights Texas was known as Advocacy, Inc. As a part of recent rules amendments, HHSC Long-term Care Regulatory has elected to use a generic description of the protection and advocacy system rather than the name of the entity. The letter details that when Nursing Facility (NF) rules refer to the designated protection and advocacy … [Read more...] about Nursing Providers – Designation of Disability Rights Texas as Protection and Advocacy System in Texas
Participant Surveys in the DBMD Program Receiving Licensed Assisted Living
Information Letter No. 17-24 DADS has published its latest information letter directed to Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) Program Providers. The letter outlines the Texas Health and Human Services Commission requirements for the DBMD program providers to perform certain activities related to participant surveys in the DBMD Program and to complete a provider survey. HHSC will schedule face-to-face visits with these people to survey them about the services they receive and their … [Read more...] about Participant Surveys in the DBMD Program Receiving Licensed Assisted Living
Requirement to Request Renewal of Expired Intellectual Disability/Related Conditions and Individual Plan of Care Forms
DADS has issued the following Information Letter(s): Information Letter 14-48 - Requirement to Request Renewal of Expired Intellectual Disability/Related Conditions and Individual Plan of Care Forms Effective September 1, 2014, some individuals residing in Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF-IID) or receiving long-term services and supports (LTSS) through the Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS), Deaf Blind with Multiple … [Read more...] about Requirement to Request Renewal of Expired Intellectual Disability/Related Conditions and Individual Plan of Care Forms
Fiscal Year 2014 Cutoff Dates for Year-end Closeout Processing
DADS issued Information Letter 14-44 - Fiscal Year 2014 Cutoff Dates for Year-end Closeout Processing This letter notifies providers of the following important claims processing cutoff dates. Please review the information detailed in the remainder of this letter: • Fiscal Year 2012 Miscellaneous Claims Cutoff: Noon Tuesday, August 12, 2014 • Fiscal Year 2014 Claims Processing Cutoff: Noon Thursday, August 21, 2014 Important: Claims can take up to 24 hours to process after being … [Read more...] about Fiscal Year 2014 Cutoff Dates for Year-end Closeout Processing
Preparing for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2014 Claims Billing Closeout
DADS has issued the following Information Letter: Information Letter No. 14-22 - It is important for providers to promptly submit claims for any unbilled services to prepare for the August 31, 2014, end of the State fiscal year. Additional details regarding cutoff dates for Fiscal Year 2014 will be published when they are available. • 12-month filing rule - Providers should ensure not only that billing is current for all services provided, but also that any problems associated with the … [Read more...] about Preparing for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2014 Claims Billing Closeout