The following was obtained from the February 12 issue of the Texas Register: Proposed Rules HHSC proposes on behalf of DADS to amend Subchapter L, §2.553, concerning definitions; §2.554, concerning eligibility; §2.556, concerning MRA's responsibilities; §2.559, concerning minimum qualifications; §2.562 concerning review process; new §2.555 concerning funding service coordination; and the repeal of §2.555 concerning assessing an individual's need for service coordination, in Chapter 2, … [Read more...] about Texas Register Updates: HCS, Medicaid MCOs, Etc.
Texas HHSC Proposes Medicaid Cuts
The Dallas Morning News reports that nursing facilities could see a two percent Medicaid cut if Texas Health and Human Services Commissioner Tom Suehs's proposed reductions go through. To deal with a potential budget shortfall, Governor Rick Perry, Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst, and House Speaker Joe Straus asked HHSC to reduce Medicaid spending by five percent. Suehs offered a list of reductions worth $304 million. "We were asked to lay out options," Stephanie Goodman, a spokesperson … [Read more...] about Texas HHSC Proposes Medicaid Cuts
Information Letters and News Alerts: Hospice, CDSA Providers
DADS released two information letters and news alerts. Medicaid Hospice Providers: DADS clarified its Continuous Home Care (CHC) requirements at 40 TAC, Chapter 30 Medicaid Hospice Program, §30.54 Special Coverage Requirements and informed hospice providers of problems identified during annual CHC reviews that result in recoupment of CHC payments. An excerpt: "Recoupment Process…Based on the review, a determination is made to…approve an extension of CHC beyond the five days; deny an … [Read more...] about Information Letters and News Alerts: Hospice, CDSA Providers
The Political and Bureaucratic "Class" Thrives While YOU Suffer
Your excellence counts for nothing as they line their own pockets: "Pay for performance? Fuggeddaboutit! Congress keeps its automatic pay increase, and taxes, inflation, deficits, and the national debt all rise. Down Independence Avenue, Health and Human Services (HHS) bureaucrats get automatic pay raises and universal “outstanding” performance ratings. (Footnote: take a laptop with you into HHS headquarters and its serial number is logged in and out by an armed guard. Apparently, so many … [Read more...] about The Political and Bureaucratic "Class" Thrives While YOU Suffer
Information Letter and News Alerts: DADS Removes Proof of Time Requirement
CBA, ICM HCSSAs, CWP HCSSAs, MDCP, PHC, FC, and CAS: After these providers shared concerns about a revision to the HCSS-CBA/ICM, HCSS-CWP/CBA, MDCP, and PHC/FC/CAS monitoring tools -- which required that when attendant orientation occurred on the same day as the attendant's first date of service delivery, DADS would require documentation of the time of orientation as proof that it occurred before service delivery -- DADS decided to remove the proof of time requirement. (Letter) For more … [Read more...] about Information Letter and News Alerts: DADS Removes Proof of Time Requirement
Texas Register Updates: HCS, TxHmL, Board of Nursing
The following information was obtained from the February 5 issue of the Texas Register: Public Hearing and Notices HHSC will hold a public hearing on February 23, 2010, at 1:30 p.m., to receive public comment on proposed requisition fees that will provide payments to providers for the cost of acquiring dental services for consumers in the HCS and TxHmL waiver programs. Through an amendment, HHSC will extend a consultant services contract to assist Texas in providing on-site instruction in HL7 … [Read more...] about Texas Register Updates: HCS, TxHmL, Board of Nursing
Obama to Boost Medicaid Funding
While the president's health care reform bill likely won't pass anytime soon, he's trying to beef up funding for programs like Medicaid, raise quality of care, and decrease Medicare fraud in his FY 2011 federal budget. He's proposed an additional $25.5 billion in emergency Medicaid funding for states. (Source) Last month, Republican Scott Brown defeated Democrat Martha Coakley for the late Ted Kennedy’s U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts. During his campaign, Brown publicly opposed Barack … [Read more...] about Obama to Boost Medicaid Funding
Information Letters: CDSA, NF, HCS, TxHmL
DADS released four information letters: CDSA for PHC: DADS explains the responsibilities of the employer and CDSA when individuals enroll in PHC (which includes PHC, CAS, and FC) program and opt to go directly on the CDS option. DADS also released a letter that contains instructions for case managers. For other details, download the two-page letter. NFs: DADS revised the Nursing Facility Customized Power Wheelchair Authorization Form 3706 and form instructions to eliminate the need … [Read more...] about Information Letters: CDSA, NF, HCS, TxHmL
Texas Register Updates: Contract, Waivers, & PACE
The following information was obtained from the January 29 issue of the Texas Register: Public Notices HHSC awarded contract 529-10-0082-00001 to Stanley M. Stewart, on an emergency basis, to analyze and make recommendations on statewide implementation of the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System and provide consultation and support to provide short- and long-term solutions for the administration of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, in response to a U.S. Department of … [Read more...] about Texas Register Updates: Contract, Waivers, & PACE
Provider and Information Letters: NF, CLASS, HCSSAs, Etc.
DADS released one provider and two information letters: NFs: DADS informed these providers of new application requirements in Form 3720-N. Provider Letter 08-01 notified NF licensees that all applicants for initial licensure or change of ownership with an effective date of June 1, 2008, or later, were required to complete a new section of the application, Item 10, about the applicant's financial condition. (Letter) The following modifications apply to license renewals that expire June … [Read more...] about Provider and Information Letters: NF, CLASS, HCSSAs, Etc.