The following information was obtained from the January 29 issue of the Texas Register:
Public Notices
HHSC awarded contract 529-10-0082-00001 to Stanley M. Stewart, on an emergency basis, to analyze and make recommendations on statewide implementation of the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System and provide consultation and support to provide short- and long-term solutions for the administration of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, in response to a U.S. Department of Agriculture directive. The contract’s value is $262,000.
HHSC intends to submit a request for waiver renewal for the STAR Program.
HHSC also intends to submit to CMS a request to amend the CLASS waiver, a Medicaid home and community-based services waiver program under the authority of Title XIX, §1915(c), of the Social Security Act.
For copies of the proposed waivers, please contact Christine Longoria by mail at Texas Health and Human Services Commission, P.O. Box 85200, mail code H-620, Austin, Texas 78708-5200, phone (512) 491-1152, fax (512) 491-1953, or by e-mail at
See the relevant section of the Texas Register for more information.
Adopted Rules
On behalf of DADS, HHSC adopted an amendment to §60.12, concerning client eligibility criteria, in Chapter 60, Contracting to Provide Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, to update the reference to criteria an individual must meet for nursing facility care. An excerpt:
“Currently, §60.12 contains references to §19.2409 (relating to General Qualifications for At-Risk Assessments and Medical Necessity Determinations) and §19.2410 (relating to Criteria Specific to a Medical Necessity Determination). These two sections have been repealed. The medical necessity criteria are now found in §19.2401 (relating to General Qualifications for Medical Necessity Determinations). The amendment also updates a reference to Texas Department of Human Services to DADS to reflect changes resulting from agency consolidations in 2004. ”
See the relevant section of the Texas Register for more information.