Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) proposes to amend §354.1060 concerning Authorized Physician Services. HHSC proposes to amend §354.1060 and §354.1062 to comply with the federal Medicaid statute by clarifying the timeframes related to when a physician may bill for services performed by a substitute physician. A substitute physician provides services in place of another physician under either a reciprocal or locum tenens arrangement. In addition, the proposed amendments … [Read more...] about 1 TAC §354.1060 proposed amendment – billing for substitute physicians
Hospice quality data reporting starts in July of 2014.
Hospice quality data reporting starts in July of 2014. A new federal “system of records” database will collect quality data from hospice organizations. Collection of data is required under the ACA. For more information on the Hospice Item Set System, see the article on Health Data Management. Details appeared in The Federal Register on 4/8. (Health Data Management, 4/7, www.healthdatamanagement.com/news/Hospice-Quality-Data-Reporting-Starts-in-July-2014-47749-1.html; The Federal Register, … [Read more...] about Hospice quality data reporting starts in July of 2014.
DADS Budget Video Conference on 4/17 @ 3:00
Budget Video Conference April 17 at 3 p.m. Do you have a suggestion for what DADS should include in its budget request to the Legislature? If so, you can present your ideas at the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Service's (DADS) budget video conference at 3 p.m. (Central time) April 17. Please visit the DADS website for more information. … [Read more...] about DADS Budget Video Conference on 4/17 @ 3:00
DADS Recruiting New PIAC Members
DADS is currently accepting applications to become a member of the Promoting Independence Advisory Committee (PIAC). The deadline is May 1. DADS and HHSC are accepting applications for PIAC members from: - Advocates for individuals with disabilities, - Advocates for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) or their family members - Home health care providers - IDD service providers - Nursing home providers For more information visit http://www.dads.state.tx.us … [Read more...] about DADS Recruiting New PIAC Members
DADS Recruiting Volunteers for Focus Group in Austin
The Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) is cooperating with the National Direct Services Workforce Center in looking for volunteers to take part in a focus group about direct service workers (DSWs). -- April 30 or May 1 -- Participants will receive either a $25 Visa cash card or a $10 Starbucks gift card. -- The deadline to volunteer is close of business April 28. More info @ http://www.dads.state.tx.us … [Read more...] about DADS Recruiting Volunteers for Focus Group in Austin
Implementation of Expanded Utilization Review Activities in the Home and Community-based Services Program
On March 1, 2014, the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) began conducting face-to- face level of need (LON) reviews for individuals in the Home and Community-based Services (HCS) Program as part of its expansion of utilization management and review activities. The face-to-face LON reviews are conducted by DADS Waivers/Community Services staff and include a face-to-face interview with individuals, legally authorized representatives, provider staff members, and other persons as … [Read more...] about Implementation of Expanded Utilization Review Activities in the Home and Community-based Services Program