Long-term care services are an important aspect of your health care plans and for that reason, it's important to inform your loved ones and providers about your health care needs for the future. In fact, most adults should plan for long-term and even palliative care as it benefits the candidate when it comes to supportive care in the form of basic living needs such as bathing, dressing, personal care, housekeeping, meal preparations and even medical help. According to news reports, research … [Read more...] about Why Planning for Long-Term Care Services is A MUST For Aging Individuals
Latest Pre-admission Screening and Resident Review – Quality Service Reviews
Provider Letter No. 17-22 - Quality service reviews (QSRs) of the implementation of policies, procedures, and improvements relating to the Pre-admission Screening and Resident Review Process (PASRR) will be conducted and the process will continue with Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) staff. HHS QSR staff will continue to conduct QSRs of nursing facilities, community-based Medicaid service providers, and Local IDD Authorities (LIDDAs) that provide service coordination and other services … [Read more...] about Latest Pre-admission Screening and Resident Review – Quality Service Reviews
CMS to add 200 more facilities to the Music & Memory Program in Texas. Latest expansion to include 165 more nursing homes.
Music therapy is one of the methods that health facilities and providers are researching which may be beneficial to people with disabilities living in long-term intermediate care facilities. The Music & Memory initiative for Dementia patients began in 2015 as a way to improve and build upon the quality of life for those nursing home residents. The music and memory program's first two phases included a roll-out at 250 nursing homes in Texas. The program is executed by using Apple iPods or … [Read more...] about CMS to add 200 more facilities to the Music & Memory Program in Texas. Latest expansion to include 165 more nursing homes.
HIPAA Notification From HHSC: Texas Vendor Loses Clients’ Personal Information. Breach may affect 1,842
The Health and Human Services Commission issue a notification about the accidental loss of protected personal information that include names, bank and health information, social security, addresses and other pertinent personal details. The breach may affect 1,842 people in the Texas. The box of forms containing client information was found beside an unsecured dumpster in Houston at the E. 40th St. complex, an Houston area eligibility office.The agency is examining this breach and an … [Read more...] about HIPAA Notification From HHSC: Texas Vendor Loses Clients’ Personal Information. Breach may affect 1,842
Advisory Committee Seeks Members — apply soon!
Applications have been posted and are available for people who are interested in serving on the Texas Autism Council. This is one of the HHS advisory committees that are new or are being reestablished. The council's cover letter and membership application are on the HHS Transformation website Advisory Committee page. … [Read more...] about Advisory Committee Seeks Members — apply soon!
Comments Posted Regarding HHS Transition Plan
Collective comments from the Texas Health and Human Services Transition Legislative Oversight Committee have been posted on the HHS Transformation website. The committee's comments address the Health and Human Services System Transition Plan, submitted March 1. Visit us at Garlo Ward, PC. … [Read more...] about Comments Posted Regarding HHS Transition Plan
Presentation to the Transition Legislative Oversight Committee on Transformation of the Health and Human Services System
Texas Health and Human Services Executive Commissioner Chris Traylor's presentation for today's Transition Legislative Oversight Committee meeting has been posted on the HHS Transformation website. Major Provisions of HHS Transformation LegislationReorganizes the HHS System, consolidating client services, regulatory functions, and residential facility operations at HHSCFocuses DSHS on public health functions and DFPS on protective services functionsTransfers vocational rehabilitation … [Read more...] about Presentation to the Transition Legislative Oversight Committee on Transformation of the Health and Human Services System