A new study on social media and health care shows that more than 1, 200 hospitals participate on 4,200 social networking sites. Social media is changing the nature of healthcare interaction, and health care organizations that ignore this virtual environment may be missing opportunities to engage consumers. From a marketing perspective, health care organizations and small businesses should seize the opportunities to capitalize on social media.
However, social media in health care is not without pitfalls, the most dangerous of which are the privacy concerns that arisefrom employees deliberately or inadvertently violating state and federal laws regardig protected health information. Plus, employers have to worry about how employees are representing the company in socia media outlets. Further, the employer cannot restrict employees from federally protected activities such as discussions of wages and working conditions between employees. The National Labor Relations Board posted a media report in January, entitled “Report of the Acting General Counsel Concerning Social Media Cases” with more information on protected activities.
Garlo Ward has developed a seminar entitled, Facebook and You: The Advantages and the Legal Pitfalls of Using Social Media by your Employees and by You for Marketing.” If you are interested in having Garlo Ward attorneys come to your facility to present this seminar or other training seminars, please email us at jward@garloward.com or call us at 512.302.1103 ext. 115.