This is Garlo Ward’s second podcast. It now has a name, Law, Health & Liberty. Click on the title to see the podcast. I chose this name because I see my firm’s job as protecting the liberty interests of health providers against the actions of government which undermine your ability to serve patients, consumers and residents.
In this podcast, I interview Andy Schlafly , the General Counsel of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) about sham peer review and the incredible and absolutist power of Medical Boards throughout the country. As part and parcel of this discussion, we talk about the unfortunate transformation American jurisprudence has taken in the areas of regulated professions, away from traditional notions of justice. No where is this more evident than in the procedures of “due process”, set up in the regulatory and licensure schemes impacting health providers.
In the late 1700’s, the world witnessed two important revolutions, the War of American Independence and the French Revolution. When the dust cleared, America continued the tradition of presuming a man innocent until proven guilty. The French, meanwhile, presumed a man guilty until proven innocent.
It appears that the French model has been applied in administrative matters, including those involving peer review and Medical Boards.
Join Andy Schlafly and I as we discuss these issues by clicking on the icon below.