As a result HHSC's delay in issuing the proposed rates, the public commet period has been extended through Friday, August 7, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. Take advantage of this opportunity to have your voice heard by emailing Pam McDonald with HHSC at by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 7, 2009. • The proposed rates are based upon models developed by Deloitte Touche in 1997 and updated using data from the 2007 ICF/MR cost reports inflated to the 2010-11 biennium. … [Read more...] about Proposed 2010-11 ICR/MR Rates – comment through 8/7/09
Annual Residential Visits
With more funding comes more visits...SB 643 requires ananual visits of all 3 and 4 person homes and foster/companion care (FCC) settings. A few Steps to Prepare: * Verify accuracy of address and contact information in CARE * Notify FCC pproviders and resdiential staff to expect visits * Maintain emergency plans, proof of emergency drills and copies of current fire inspections on-site Proposed procedural rules: * inaccurate location information in care may result in … [Read more...] about Annual Residential Visits
TxHmL & HCS — Elimination of the Monthly Admin & Operations Fee
As you probably know by now, the admin/op fee of approx. $935 per consumer is set to be eliminated and tied directly to individual service rates. This rule will be republished in this Friday's Texas Register and implemented October (not September) 1, 2009. Today, July 24, 2010, professional rates (RNs, LVNs, OTs, PTs, etc) will be discussed at a public hearing. 3 stages of implementation 1. 9/1/09: Professional service rate changes begin 2. 10/1/09: Remaining rate changes begin … [Read more...] about TxHmL & HCS — Elimination of the Monthly Admin & Operations Fee
New Review Process for Waiver Programs
The reviewers will be using standardized checklists as part of the new review process. The good news is that these checklists are available for providers and may be printed and used as internal QA. … [Read more...] about New Review Process for Waiver Programs
Moving Case Mgmt from the Provider to MRA
SB 1 Sect. 48 moved HCS case management to Mental Retardation Authorities (MRA). Currently, DADS does not plan on phasing in this shift, instead, DADS intends to ochestrate a mass move in June of 2010. DADS will hold a training for MRAs and providers in the spring before the change. The MRA will conduct enrollment and keep up with the PDP (person directed plan). The requirement for an interdiscplinary team has been removed and now a service team consisting of the individual, LAR, and … [Read more...] about Moving Case Mgmt from the Provider to MRA
Legislative Summary: Bills Affecting HCS & TxHmL Programs
SB 643--Protection and care of individuals with mental retardation • Renames state schools--State supported living centers • Requires annual inspections of HCS group homes • Requires independent mortality reviews • Establishes a single investigative database (DFPS & reg. issues) SB 1--General Appropriations Bill • Funds provider rate increase • Funds attendant wage increase • Funds additional HCS slots (approx 50,000) • Moves HCS case management to Mental … [Read more...] about Legislative Summary: Bills Affecting HCS & TxHmL Programs
Upcoming CDS Town Hall Meetings
DADS is hosting Town Hall Meetings throughout the state this summer to provide an opportunity for DADS consumers and family members, service providers and the public to learn more about the Consumer Directed Services (CDS) service delivery option available in many Texas programs. Currently, only 2% of HCS programs (OHFH) and 4% of TxHmL Programs utilize consumer directed services (CDS). Providers and public welcome. Schedule 7/27: Longview, Texas 7/29: Fort Worth, Texas 8/12: Austin, … [Read more...] about Upcoming CDS Town Hall Meetings
Changes to HCS Critical Incident Reporting (CARE)
HCS providers report to DADS through the CARE system and the required reporting information has changed (SB 325). Providers must begin collecting data in compliance with the new requirements on August 1, 2009. Provider must now report the total number of medication errors, serious injuries, behavior plans authorizing restraint, emergency restraints used (including type of restraint), individuals requiring emergency restraints, and restraint related injuries. For more information please see … [Read more...] about Changes to HCS Critical Incident Reporting (CARE)
Changes to TxHmL Critical Incident Reporting (CARE)
TxHmL providers report to DADS through the CARE system and the required reporting information has changed (SB 325). Providers must begin collecting data in compliance with the new requirements on August 1, 2009. Providers must now report the total number of medication errors, serious injuries, behavior plans authorizing restraint, emergency restraints used (including type of restraint), individuals requiring emergency restraints, and restraint related injuries. For more information please see … [Read more...] about Changes to TxHmL Critical Incident Reporting (CARE)
FIVES system now includes HCS (FIVES: Facility Inventory, Vacancy, & Evacuation Status)
DADS created the FIVES system so providers can work together during emergencies and disasters. Home and Community-based Services Program Providers join the ranks of ICF/MRs, nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and in-patient hospice providers that currently use the system to share information regarding vacancies, available space, inventory, evacuation status, etc. For more information please see provider letter 09-42 and access FIVES online. … [Read more...] about FIVES system now includes HCS (FIVES: Facility Inventory, Vacancy, & Evacuation Status)