DADS proposes to transfer case management function, currently performed by HCS program providers, to Mental Retardation Authorities, as required by the 2010-2011 General Appropriations Act, effective June 1, 2010. (Letter)
An excerpt:
“Effective the date of this letter, a program provider is not required to provide case management using only employees of the program provider (that is, a program provider could use a qualified contractor to provide case management). If a program provider chooses not to provide case management using only employees, however, the program provider must ensure that at least one of the following service components is provided using only employees: residential support, supervised living, supported home living, day habilitation, supported employment, or respite.”
CBA, CBA Assisted Living/Residential Care, CLASS, DAHS, ICF/MR, HCS, NF, PHC, RC, and TxHmL providers:
HHSC Rate Analysis Department has posted information on its web site regarding mandatory cost reporting and cost report training for 2009. See the HHSC RAD web site for details. (Letter)