Provider Letter 18-09 (NF) – This letter addressed Long-Term Care Regulations by HHSC. Nursing facilities (NFs) must comply with both state and federal requirements related to Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR). This includes coordinating Level I screening and Level II evaluation assessments, participating in interdisciplinary team meetings (IDTs), and providing necessary specialized services for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID), developmental disabilities (DD) or mental illness (MI) when IDTs determine services are needed. Full information about these requirements is in the Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Chapter 19, Subchapter BB.
Additionally, Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Chapter 19, Subchapter U requires NFs to submit an acceptable plan of correction (POC) to HHSC when violations are cited. Effective immediately, facilities must include HHSC-provided, web-based PASRR training for, at a minimum, the nursing facility administrator and the director of nursing in all POCs associated with any PASRR violation. POCs that do not include such training will not be accepted.