Provider Letter No. 17-28 and Information Letter No. 17-27 addresses Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) allowing an exception to the service limits for replacing or repairing adaptive aids and minor home modifications for certain individuals enrolled including those in the:
- Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS)
- Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) Program
- Home and Community-based Services (HCS)
- Texas Home Living (TxHmL) Program
Specifically, individuals whose permanent residence on August 25, 2017 was in a county declared a federal disaster area because of Hurricane Harvey may replace or repair an adaptive aid or minor home modification that results in the service limit being exceeded if the requirements described in this letter are met.
The service limit for adaptive aids the above programs is $10,000 per individual plan of care (IPC) year. The service limit for minor home modifications in
the HCS and TxHmL Programs is $7,500 during the time the individual is enrolled in the program
To have an adaptive aid repaired or replaced for an amount exceeding the service limit, the following requirements must be met. Read here