With the latest weather conditions and Hurricane Season in effect from June to Novemeber, DADS has issued a new release addressing applicable program rules to ensure that:
“All Adult Day Care Facilities (ADCs), Assisted Living Facilities (ALFs), Home and Community Support Service Agencies (HCSSAs), Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions (ICFs/IID), and Nursing Facilities (NFs) should be prepared to protect residents/clients during hurricanes and other emergencies.
Previously published Provider Letter: Provider Letter 15-15 reviews important information regarding emergency preparedness. In effect the news release outlines that all facilities for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions, in-patient hospice facilities, and nursing facilities should review their emergency preparedness and response plans for hurricane and storm season when safety precautions and measures are need to ensure the protection of all individuals under care.
The provider letter states that every provider must
- Make sure its emergency preparedness plan is up-to-date and meets the needs of the individuals the provider serves.
- Make sure personnel know what their responsibilities are during an emergency.
- Coordinate with its local emergency management coordinator in the event of an emergency. For emergency preparedness and response rules specific to each provider type, please see the following sections of Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 1:
- • Chapter 98, §98.64 for ADCs
- • Chapter 92, §92.62(d) for ALFs
- • Chapter 97, §97.256 for HCSSAs and §97.871(a)(2) for inpatient hospice units
- • Chapter 90, §90.50 for ICFs/IID
- • Chapter 19, §19.1914 for NFs