New Tool for Reporting Survey Inconsistencies
HCS and TxHmL program providers can now report inconsistencies in Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) surveys related to the interpretation and application of HCS and TxHmL regulations and rules using the DADS Waiver, Survey and Certification Consistency Feedback Tool. DADS Survey Operations will use the data gathered to identify and research inconsistencies, guide and enhance surveyor training, and improve policy and procedures.
The intent of this effort is not to modify survey protocol or principles; it is strictly to identify issues in survey consistency as an informational and improvement tool. The Informal Review (IR) process still must be followed to appeal a citation.
When making a report, you need:
• The name of your provider agency
• Component code
• Contract number
• Survey date
• Certification principles cited
Survey visits that can be reported include: initial certification surveys, annual certification surveys, complaint/incident investigations, and follow-up surveys. You must complete the feedback tool in order for Survey Operations to collect the necessary information to research the reported concern. Specific reports will be researched at the state office level and the data will be shared with the regional offices in aggregate form, without identifying provider information. The DADS state office staff will work with the regional program managers on substantiated inconsistencies in order to address identified surveyor training needs.
DADS will not notify individual informants of specific research findings, but will release a statistical report to inform providers of consistency analysis and any actions related to those findings. To register general complaints regarding surveyors, please follow the established process outlined in PL 14-07 Complaints Regarding Surveyors.
Visit us at Garlo Ward, PC.