The purpose of this information letter (IL) is to inform LIDDAs, effective October 2014, the monitoring report and additional information reported for individuals who transitioned from an SSLC to the HCS program was changed from one to five years. This change ensures the unique needs of individuals served in SSLCs continue to be met by the provider. In accordance with LA Broadcast Message #0837, sent May 31, 2013, LIDDAs are required to send its monitoring reports to the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) and the SSLC on a quarterly basis up to one year of transitioning to the HCS program. After an individual has been enrolled in the HCS Program for one year, the LIDDAs are required to send the monitoring report only to DADS. A monitoring report must include the following information:
1. Did the individual have psychiatric or medical hospitalization?
2. Did the individual have an emergency room visit within a 3-month period?
3. Date of death of the individual.
4. Was the individual arrested or incarcerated?
5. Did the individual have any contacts with law enforcement within a 3-month period?
6. Was the LIDDA unable to locate the individual or did the individual leave the program?
7. Was/Is there an HCS program provider issue – change of homes?
8. Was/Is there an HCS program provider issue – closure?
9. Was/Is there an HCS program provider issue – confirmed abuse, neglect or exploitation?
10. Was/Is there an HCS program provider issue – change of program provider? and
11. Did the individual return to the SSLC? If so, what date?
Every 90 days, DADS will send a secure email reminder to the LIDDA’s intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) Director noting the list of individuals whom a monitoring report is due. The LIDDA must complete the DADS approved template and submit along with supporting documentation to the DADS email box and copy the SSLC contact staff. For the first year after HCS enrollment, a LIDDA must send the monitoring reports to and the SSLC contact staff. For the second through fifth years, a LIDDA must send the monitoring reports to
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