The purpose of the information letter (IL) is to inform Home and Community-based Services (HCS) and Texas Home Living (TxHmL) program providers, local intellectual and developmental disability authorities (LIDDAs) and Financial Management Services Agencies (FMSAs) about changes related to providing transportation to an individual in the HCS or TxHmL Program. Specifically, this IL describes the process by which transportation will no longer be provided as Community First Choice Personal Assistance Services/Habilitation (CFC PAS/HAB). In accordance with the instructions provided in this letter, program providers and service coordinators will include and bill for transportation hours on an individual plan of care (IPC) as an HCS or TxHmL Program service.
The requirements set forth in this IL are included in the proposed amendments to Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 9, Subchapters D and N expected to become effective March 2016.
Transportation in the HCS and TxHmL Programs
In accordance with the approved HCS and TxHmL waiver applications, transportation is a service included in the HCS Program service of supported home living (SHL) and the TxHmL Program service of community support (CS). An example of transportation is driving an individual to a community activity associated with an outcome on the person-directed plan (PDP). Although transportation is included as a service under SHL and CS, transportation is identified separately on the IPC under the new service codes TR and TRV.
Process for Adding Transportation to an IPC For a renewal or initial IPC that has a begin date of
November 1, 2015 or later:
? the service planning team (SPT) must determine whether an individual requires transportation;
? if the individual requires transportation, the service coordinator must include transportation and outcomes for transportation on the PDP;
? if transportation is included on the PDP: o the program provider must develop a transportation plan for an individual who receives transportation from a program provider; and the SPT must develop a transportation plan for an individual who receives transportation through the CDS option;
? if the individual is receiving a service from a program provider: o the HCS program provider must include transportation on a renewal IPC based on the individual transportation plan; and o the TxHmL service coordinator must include transportation on a renewal IPC based on the individual transportation plan; or o the HCS or TxHmL service coordinator must include transportation on an initial IPC based on the individual transportation plan;
? if the individual is receiving all HCS or TxHmL program services through the CDS option, the service coordinator must include transportation on the IPC based on the individual transportation plan.
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