The purpose of this Information Letter is to inform Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authorities (LIDDAs), Texas Home Living (TxHmL) program providers, Primary Home Care (PHC) providers, Title XX Emergency Response Services (ERS) providers, and Financial Management Services Agencies (FMSAs) for PHC and TxHmL about the implementation of the Community First Choice (CFC) option, effective June 1, 2015. This letter also describes the process LIDDAs, the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) local offices, TxHmL providers, PHC providers, Title XX ERS providers, and FMSAs will follow to convert PHC services and Title XX ERS to CFC for individuals, including those who use the Consumer Directed Services (CDS) option, who are enrolled in TxHmL and are receiving PHC services, Title XX ERS, or both.
CFC is a state plan benefit governed by Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 42, Chapter 441, Subchapter K, regarding Home and Community-Based Attendant Services and Supports State Plan Option (Community First Choice) that provides certain services and supports to individuals living in the community, including individuals in the TxHmL Program. CFC services are state plan services, not waiver services. The CFC option offers CFC personal assistance services (PAS), CFC habilitation (HAB) and CFC emergency response services (ERS). For TxHmL, the CFC services of PAS and HAB are combined into one CFC service — CFC PAS/HAB.
This letter addresses the impact of CFC on individuals enrolled in the TxHmL Program receiving PHC services or Title XX ERS, or both. Information Letters 2015-28 and 2015-29 address individuals enrolled in the TxHmL Program receiving community support or ERS as an adaptive aid.
Currently, individuals in the TxHmL Program are eligible to receive PHC services through the
PHC Program and receive ERS as a Title XX benefit. The first time after an individual’s TxHmL
individual plan of care (IPC) is revised or renewed, on or after June 1, 2015, the individual will
CFC PAS/HAB from the individual’s TxHmL program provider instead of receiving PHC services; and
CFC ERS from the TxHmL program provider instead of receiving Title XX ERS.
Individuals using the CDS option will receive CFC CDS PAS/HAB instead of CDS PHC services.
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