The purpose of this information letter is to inform Home and Community-based Services (HCS)
and Texas Home Living (TxHmL) program providers of transportation requirements when an
individual is involved in a Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) abuse, neglect,
and exploitation (ANE) investigation.
When an individual receiving services is involved in an ANE investigation of a service provider,
DFPS may indicate a forensic interview of the individual be conducted by a professional from a
children’s advocacy center (CAC). CACs partner with local communities and agencies
investigating and prosecuting abuse of a child or a person with a disability. Based on information
from DFPS, a forensic interview is defined as a developmentally-sensitive and legally sound
method of gathering information regarding allegations of abuse, neglect or exploitation. This
interview is conducted by a competently-trained, neutral professional utilizing research and
practice-informed techniques as part of a larger investigative process.
If a DFPS investigator informs an HCS program provider a forensic interview with a CAC is
indicated for an individual receiving residential support, supervised living, host home / companion
care or supported home living, or informs a TxHmL program provider a forensic interview with a
CAC is indicated for an individual receiving community support, the provider must transport the
individual to a local CAC or to an agreed upon alternative location. The HCS and TxHmL provider
must, in accordance with Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) rule at Texas
Administrative Code (TAC), Title 40, §9.178(k)(2) and §9.580 (f)(2), ensure the person who
transports the individual is not the alleged perpetrator.
Visit us at Garlo Ward, P.C.