The following information was obtained from the March 14 issue of the Texas Register.
Proposed Rules
The Texas Medical Board proposed to amend §175.1, Application and Administrative Fees; and §175.2, Registration and Renewal Fees. The new rules would increase application and renewal fees. See the Texas Register for more information.
Withdrawn Rules
The Texas Medical Board proposed to withdraw the proposed amendment to §165.1, Medical Records, which appeared in the January 3, 2014, issue of the Texas Register.
Adopted Rules
The Texas Medical Board adopted an amendment to §172.5, Visiting Physician Temporary Permits, which provides that a Visiting Physician Temporary Permit holder must be supervised by a physician who has not been the subject of a disciplinary order unless the order was administrative in nature.
The board adopted an amendment to §183.21, Continuing Auricular Acupuncture Education for Acudetox Specialists, which corrects citations to other rules.
Finally, the board adopted an amendment to §189.11, Process for Approval of Physicians, Other Professionals, Group Practices and Institutional Settings. Among the changes: “adding new subsection (e), which provides that upon receiving information that indicates a physician or other professional acting as a probationer’s proctor, monitor, or supervisor, or one or more physicians in an approved group practice or institutional setting no longer meet criteria under §189.11(b), or that other factors warrant withdrawal of approval for such individuals or settings, the executive director or his or her designee may withdraw approval for such a physician, professional, group practice, or institutional setting.”