— DADS will hold a quality improvement webinar for Financial Management Services Agencies (FMSA), which is mandatory for FMSAs with a contract with DADS. The webinar is scheduled for Thursday, December 12, 2013, 1:30-3:30 p.m. You may reserve your seat here.
— From the news alert page:
Due to software technical difficulties experienced over the holiday weekend, DADS may not have received any faxed Provider Investigation Report, DADS Form 3613 or 3613-A. Please refax any Provider Investigative Report that was faxed to DADS between 5 pm on Friday, November 8, 2013 and 5 pm on Tuesday, November 12, 2013. We apologize for the inconvenience. Instructions for faxing Provider Investigation Reports continue to be found on the following DADS webpage.
— The comment period for the fourth PPECC External Stakeholder Meeting held Thursday, November 21, 2013, ends by COB today. You may contact Dana Hornsby, Program Specialist, at dana.hornsby@dads.state.tx.us.
— From the news alert page:
The National Council on Independent Living seeks broad is seeking broad support from the disability community in filling out their disability employment survey. Answers to the survey questions are intended to shape debate about disability policy, and the results will be shared with the White House, all 50 Governors, top media, and disability groups, among others.
A very large sample size is needed to ensure that the survey results are valid, so NCIL requests that you share the survey with your Twitter, Facebook and email networks. The survey takes about 10 minutes, and all survey respondents can be entered to win $500. For further information, please contact Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi at jlm@laszlostrategies.com or 202-365-0787. Click here to access the survey.
— DADS invited all Region 8 HCSSA providers to attend a meeting on Thursday, December 5, 2013, from 1-4 p.m. at the Education Service Center, Region 20, Bexar, Frio and Kendall Rooms @ Building 4, Frederick Maples Conference Center, 1314 Hines Avenue, San Antonio. You may register here.
— DADS is providing an opportunity for early stakeholder input on draft proposed rule revisions (PDF) to 40, TAC Chapter 41, the CDS Option. The target effective date of the proposed rules is September 1, 2014. You may send written comments to cds@dads.state.tx.us by 5 p.m. December 11, 2013.
For more information about these and other entries, see the news alert page.
— “The projected national 2014 loss rate for long-term care facilities, which is a combination of claim severity and frequency, is $1,940 per occupied bed, according to the survey, which was conducted by the Washington-based American Health Care Association and Aon Global Risk Consulting, the risk consulting business of London-based Aon P.L.C.” – Business Insurance
— “A nursing home operator with 100 beds can expect $194,000 in liability expenses in 2014, according to a new analysis from the American Health Care Association and Aon Global Risk Consulting. – McKnight’s
— “Most long-term care reforms rely on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for implementation, but the overburdened agency cannot manage all the needed changes in this area, according to a panel of experts.” – McKnight’s