— Transition for Implementation of FY 2014 SNF PPS MDS 3.0 Policy Changes (PDF) – Texas providers with questions can contact Cheryl Shiffer here.
— MDS 3.0 RAI Manual V1.11 Available – A list of significant changes can be found in the document titled “RAI Manual V1.11 October 2013 Changes.” Also see McKnight’s news story.
— DADS posted a new appendix, List of Excluded Individuals and Entities, designed to explain and clarify the federal requirement that all providers contracting with DADS identify individuals and entities excluded from participation in federal health care programs. See the news alert page for links to various provider appendices.
— DADS mailed an amended NF Medical Provider Agreements and DADS Forms 2034 to all participating nursing facilities along with instructions to have the authorized designee on record sign and return the agreements by September 30, 2013. An excerpt of the alert:
To ensure that your nursing facility has a current Medicaid provider agreement effective on October 1, 2013, the authorized designee on record for your organization must review, sign and return by September 30, 2013:
- both copies of the Medicaid provider agreement;
- Form 2034; and
- Form 2031, if your organization wishes to change the authorized designee on record.
The authorized designee on record for each organization can be found and must be verified on this web page. Please follow the mailing instructions in the September 1, 2013 letter and return the required documents by September 30, 2013. Failure to comply could result in termination of your Medicaid provider agreement.
— DADS invited Region 8 NFs to attend an LTC provider meeting on Tuesday, October 29, 2013, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Education Service Center, Region 20 Bexar and Dimmitt Rooms at Building 4, Frederick Maples Conference Center, 1314 Hines Avenue, in San Antonio. You may register here.
— HHSC adopted amendments to §97.220, Service Areas, and §97.281, Client Care Policies, Chapter 97, Licensing Standards for HCSSA.
See the news page for more information about these and other alerts.