The following information was obtained from the August 9 issue of the Texas Register.
Public Notice and Hearing
HHSC is accepting applications for representatives to serve on the Texas Nonprofit Council. An excerpt:
Membership on the Council requires participation in Council meetings. At least three meetings of the Texas Nonprofit Council will be held in Austin, Texas each year, and may extend through August 2016. Members will not receive compensation for participation on the Texas Nonprofit Council. Council members will not be reimbursed for travel expenses.
HHSC will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, August 20, 2013, at 1:30 p.m. to receive comment on proposed Medicaid payment rates for Physician-Administered Drug – Palivizumab (Synagis®). The hearing will be held in HHSC’s Public Hearing Room, Brown-Heatly Building, located at 4900 North Lamar, Austin. For details, see the Texas Register for more information.
Proposed Rules
The Board of Nursing proposed to amend §214.3, Program Development, Expansion and Closure, necessary to establish in the rule a $500 filing fee for an out-of-state vocational nursing education program seeking to conduct clinical learning experiences in Texas and clarify that the board may withdraw the approval of any out-of-state vocational nursing education program that fails to maintain the requirements necessary for initial approval to conduct clinical learning experiences in Texas.
The board also proposed to amend §215.3, Program Development, Expansion, and Closure, for the same reasons stated above for out-of-state professional nursing education programs.
The board proposed the repeal of Chapter 222, §§222.1 – 222.12, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses with Prescriptive Authority, which is necessary because the board is proposing a new chapter.
The board proposed new Chapter 222, §§222.1 – 222.10, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses with Prescriptive Authority, in conjunction with the proposed repeal.
Finally, the board proposed to amend §223.1, Fees, which is necessary to establish in the rule a $500 filing fee for an out-of-state nursing education program seeking to conduct clinical learning experiences in Texas and reduce the licensure renewal fee for RNs from $73 to $70.
See the Texas Register for more information on each entry.