The following information was obtained from the May 3 issue of the Texas Register.
Proposed Rules
HHSC proposed to amend §355.105, General Reporting and Documentation Requirements, Methods, and Procedures, which would clarify limitations on reporting related-party compensation on Medicaid cost reports; incorporate changes to reflect person-first respectful language; and clarify the references in subsection (a). See the Texas Register for more information.
Adopted Rules
HHSC adopted the repeal of §§355.8043 and 355.8068 – 355.8072, methodology by which HHSC calculated supplemental Medicaid Upper Payment Limit payments for inpatient, outpatient, and physician services. The changes are part of a process to transition to a new supplemental payment process in a managed care environment under the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program 1115 Waiver. For more information, see the Texas Register.
The Texas Medical Board adopted the follow changes to the code:
Licensure – Amendments to §163.6, Examinations Accepted for Licensure, and §163.7, which revise the rule relating to licensure examinations so they’re consistent with the statute regarding passage of licensure examinations within a seven-year time period and demonstration of competence in the ten-year period preceding application for license.
Temporary And Limited Licenses – Amendments to §172.8, Faculty Temporary License, which clarify that time spent under a Faculty Temporary License might satisfy the ten-year rule requirement for specialty training.
Fees And Penalties – Amendments to §175.5, Payment of Fees or Penalties, which provide that if an applicant or licensee dies more than 90 days after having paid a fee, survivors may submit a written request for a refund demonstrating good cause for a pro-rated refund.
Procedural Rules – Amendments to §187.57, Charge of the Disciplinary Panel, which add missing language to correct a previously adopted typo.
Voluntary Relinquishment Or Surrender Of A Medical License – Amendments to §196.2, Surrender Associated with Disciplinary Action, which correct language to indicate that a licensee may agree to surrender license in lieu of further investigation or a hearing.
Emergency Medical Service – Amendments to §197.3, Off-Line Medical Director, which provide that a physician may not be an off-line medical director if the physician has been suspended or revoked for cause by any governmental agency, or the physician has been excluded from Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP.