— An MDS update excerpt:
A recent DADS provider alert and an article in The MDS Mentor have clarified the correct way to complete MDS 3.0 item A0410. A frequent provider question is how to prevent MDS records from being submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) when Prospective Payment System (PPS) MDS assessments are completed for private insurance and are marked A0410 = 3 due to bed certification.
Facility MDS data entry software may have a field that staff can mark, to identify PPS MDS assessments completed for private insurance, that prevents marked records from being submitted to CMS. The software may also have a function for permanently removing completed MDS records from the send list without sending them. Facility staff can contact their MDS software vendor to find out if their software has either of these features. The free jRAVEN software downloadable from www.qtso.com does not have these features.
— Upcoming Culture Change webinars:
- Consistent Assignment of Staff — July 2013
- Antipsychotic Medications and Non-Pharmaceutical Behavior Support — August 2013
— MDS3.0 QM User’s Manual (V7.0) and QMID by CMS Reporting Module (V1.2 for User’s Manual V7.0) are posted here.
— Reminder: DBMD webinar Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 1-2 p.m. You can register here.
— The State Supported Living Centers division has invited comments on draft Policy #009, Medical Care (PDF), whose purpose is to ensure that individuals served at state centers receive routine, preventative, and acute medical care consistent with current, generally accepted professional standards of care.
— You can find more information about a proposed EVV Compliance Plan here.
— DADS announced an educational opportunity for Texas nursing facility administrators licensed in the state for five years or fewer. DADS is providing 15 scholarships for Texas NFAs to attend the GW National Emerging Leadership Summit in Washington D.C., June 25-27, 2013. Each scholarship is of $1000. See the news alert page for more information.
See the news page for more information about these and other alerts.