ICF/IID, HCS, TxHmL, and LC:
The Single Service Authorization System Project will be implemented in two releases:
• March 25, 2013 – ICF/IID functionality, and
• August 31, 2013 – HCS and TxHmL functionality
— The next enrollment training to become a CDSA will be held April 2-4, 2013 at the John H. Winters Building, 701 W 51st Street, Public Hearing Room, Austin, Texas 78751. For detailed information about the enrollment training and registration, please see: http://www.dads.state.tx.us/providers/training/cds.cfm.
— The CLASS program is revising the timeframe in which a CMA must respond to an IPC remand request for additional information from PE/UR at DADS:
Currently, Form 2067 PE/UR sends to a case manager specifies the additional information being requested and indicates the response to the remand is due back to DADS in 12 days. These remand requests are being revised for consistency with the response timeframe outlined in both the CLASS Provider Manual and Chapter 45 of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC). The requirement in these resources states a case manager must respond to remand requests within 10 calendar days. This change is effective immediately. Please note that any remand requests issued by PE/UR prior to the issuance of this alert may be responded to in accordance with the timeframe indicated on Form 2067.
— Last March, CMS approved the waiver renewal for TxHmL with the waiver effective date of March 1, 2012. See a copy of the approved renewal here (PDF).
— You can also see a copy of the approved waiver renewal for DBMD here (PDF).
See the news page for more information about these and other alerts.