CMS reports that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has conditionally approved health insurances exchanges in California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Vermont, and Utah.
“States across the country are working to implement the health care law and build a marketplace that works for their residents,” Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said. “In ten months, consumers in all fifty states will have access to a new marketplace where they will be able to easily purchase affordable, high quality health insurance plans, and today’s guidance will provide the information states need to guide their continued work.”
HHS already approved exchanges in several states, including Colorado, the nation’s capital, Maryland, and New York. Governor Rick Perry said that Texas won’t expand Medicaid to implement the health care reform law or set up a state insurance exchange.
In other news, CNN reports (via Kaiser News) that beginning January 1, physicians will receive Medicaid reimbursements that match Medicare payments.