— To follow up on a request to provide examples of when Individual Responsibility Agreements (IRA) are used in the CLASS Medicaid waiver, DADS asks CLASS DSAs to complete a summary of when the agency has used an IRA agreement and, if possible, the total active agreements the agency has in place. E-mail to DADS at class@dads.state.tx.us by Tuesday, December 18, 2012.
— DADS invited providers to attend the next HCSSA stakeholder meeting on Monday, January 7, 2013, 1-5 p.m. in the Public Hearing Room of the John H. Winters Building.
— Notice to NFs:
The response from providers to the Nursing Facility Poster Alert has been overwhelming. We appreciate your attention to meeting the regulatory requirements. None of these posters or the information they contain is new. Most of DADS providers required to have these postings already have them and are in complete compliance with the requirement; you do not need to request new posters. Those providers who read the alert and realize they are missing one or more of the posters should request the posters.
— The State Supported Living Centers division is inviting comments on revised Policy ##012 (PDF), Physical Nutritional Management.
— HHSC adopted amendments to §19.201, Criteria for Licensing; §19.208, Renewal Procedures and Qualifications; §19.209, Exclusion from Licensure; §19.210, Change of Ownership License; §19.214, Criteria for Denying a License or Renewal of a License; and §19.216, License Fees, in Chapter 19, Nursing Facility Requirements for Licensure and Medicaid Certification.
— DADS seeks a nurse planner to help develop educational content for the webinar training system and approve continuing nursing education credits to eligible participating nurses.
See the request for proposals (PDF) for more information.
— CMS recently posted MDS 3.0 Resident Assessment Instrument Manual v1.09 Replacement Change Table and Manual Pages.
See the news page for more information about these and other alerts.