The following information was obtained from the October 5 issue of the Texas Register.
Public Hearing and Notice
HHSC will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, October 23, 2012, at 9 a.m. to receive public comment on proposed rates for hospice routine home, continuous home, inpatient respite, and general inpatient care. The hearing will take place in the Lone Start Conference Room. HHSC intends to submit to CMS a request to renew the Non-emergency Medical Transportation waiver program. For details about each notice, see the Texas Register.
Adopted Rules
HHSC adopted amendments to §351.3, Purpose, Task and Duration of Advisory Committees, which clarify the names of two existing committees, update expiration dates and names, delete an expired committee, and add three new HHSC advisory committees:
- Quality Based Payment Advisory Committee
- Physician Payment for Quality Committee
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Council
See the Texas Register for more information.
HHSC adopted the repeal of Chapter 371, Medicaid and Other Health and Human Services Fraud and Abuse Program Integrity, Subchapter G, Legal Action Relating to Providers of Medical Assistance, consisting of Division 1, §§371.1601, 371.1603, 371.1605, 371.1609, and sections. For a full listing, see the Texas Register.