Providers in Regions 3 and 7 required to use the EVV system: From August 16, 2012 through October 15, 2012, DADS will accept paper timesheets as backup to EVV to document attendant time worked. (Letter)
— DBMD Stakeholder Quarterly Scan Call will be held on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 from 1-2 p.m. Contact Jennifer Brannan, Lead DBMD Specialist in the IDD Waivers Program Enrollment and Utilization Review:
— Revised HCS billing guidelines are available here, and revised TxHmL billing guidelines are available here.
— Updated on changes to the DAHS program:
On August 6, 2012, DADS issued an alert announcing a delay in the implementation of changes to Day Activity and Health Services (DAHS) that were designed to implement the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recommendation to Texas to provide DAHS, for individuals who do not have an intellectual disability or related condition, under a Section 1915(i) amendment to the State Plan.
Following publication of that alert, the Health and Human Services Commission requested approval from CMS to not pursue the Section 1915(i) amendment. CMS has approved that request. As a result, DADS will withdraw proposed changes to the DAHS rules related to the 1915(i) and discontinue plans to add DAHS as a waiver service to the Community Based Alternatives and Medically Dependent Children Program 1915(c) waiver programs.
See the news page for more information about these and other alerts.