DADS released two information letters and one provider letter:
Medicaid Hospice:
DADS asked these providers to submit the form attached to the letter, which shows the methodology CMS uses to determine the provider’s Medicare overall cap for FFY 2010 and 2011. The deadline for submitting this information was May 15, 2012. (Letter)
DADS provided information about annual mandatory training for ALFs. See the provider web page for more information. (Letter)
AFC, ALF, CBA, CLASS, DAHS, FC, HDM, MDCP, NF, PACE, TAS, and other providers:
DADS reminded providers that submit claims in American National Standards Institute format via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) that claims must be submitted via EDI Version 5010, effective July 1, 2012. Claims submitted via EDI 4010 will no longer be accepted for payment, effective July 1, 2012. (Letter)