The following information was obtained from the June 8 Texas Register:
HHSC intends to submit transmittal number 12-024 to the Texas State Plan for Medical Assistance, which would clarify the orthotic and prosthetic services available to Medicaid EPSDT eligible recipients under 21 by moving coverage information to the EPSDT Services section of the state plan.
HHSC intends to submit an amendment that would modify the reimbursement methodology in the State Plan for non-state operated ICF/MR to add a methodology for supplemental payments for non-state government-owned ICFs/MR.
HHSC intends submit to CMS a request to amend the NorthSTAR waiver program to change the behavioral health program enrollment period from 30 days to 15 days.
Finally, HHSC intends to submit an amendment that would update the fee schedules in the current state plan by including fees for new services and by modifying fees for existing services. For more information about each notice, see the Texas Register.