DADS released one provider letter:
ALFs, ICFs/ID, and NFs:
DADS notified these providers of the requirement to develop and implement a policy to protect individuals they serve from vaccine-preventable diseases and to provide information about CDC guidelines. Providers must implement the policy by September 1, 2012. This letter replaces last week’s PL 12-02. (Letter)
DADS released several news alerts since February 7. An excerpt:
— — DADS hosted a webinar for HCS, TxHmL waiver services, and ICF/ID providers with 13 or fewer beds and DADS surveyors/reviewers regarding updates/clarifications to the nursing changes on February 21 and 22. DADS will host another on the nursing peer review process on February 27, 2012, from 10-11 a.m. Reserve your webinar seat at:
— DADS will hold stakeholder meetings for DBMD waiver renewal and work sessions on Friday, March 2 to discuss how to reduce administrative costs and requirements for the program. No public testimony will be heard, but the public is welcome to attend:
DBMD Waiver Renewal Work session
March 2, 2012
10 a.m. to noon
Public Hearing Room
John H. Winters Human Services Complex
701 West 51st Street
Austin, TexasReducing Administrative Requirements for the DBMD Program
March 2, 2012
1 to 3 p.m.
Public Hearing Room
John H. Winters Human Services Complex
701 West 51st Street
Austin, Texas
DADS has added more information to the alert, including the agenda.
If you missed the earlier webinars, contact Waiver Survey and Certification at 512-438-4163 or an ICF/ID policy specialist at 512-438-3161. For more information, see the alert entry.
— DADS will host the DBMD scan call on Thursday, March 8, 2012, from 1-2 p.m. For more information, contact Jennifer Tighe, Lead DBMD Specialist in the IDD Waivers Program Enrollment and Utilization Review, at and provide your name and affiliated program or group.
For details about these and other news alerts, see the main page.