The following information was obtained from the January 20 issue of the Texas Register.
Public Notices
HHSC will hold a public hearing on February 15, 2012, at 1:30 p.m., to receive comment on proposed Medicaid payment rates for Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies; payment rates for annual Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System; and Medicaid payment rates for the Medicaid Biennial Calendar Fee Review. The hearing will be held Lone Star Conference Room. For details, including where to send comments, see the Texas Register.
Emergency Rules
HHSC adopted new §355.8201, Transition-Period Waiver Payments to Hospitals, and §355.8202, Transition-Period Waiver Payments for Physician Services, which describe the methodology HHSC will use initially to make supplemental payments to Medicaid providers through a demonstration waiver under section 1115 of the Social Security Act. For more information, see the Texas Register.
Proposed Rules
HHSC proposed to repeal §355.8064, Reimbursement Adjustment for Hospitals Providing Inpatient Services to SSI and SSI-Related Clients. Because of the planned Medicaid managed care expansion, effective March 1, 2012, HHSC will no longer carve out inpatient hospital services from the managed care capitation payment in the managed care service areas. See the Texas Register for more information.
Adopted Rules
HHSC adopted an amendment to §355.8620, Medicaid Reimbursement Methodology for Services Provided in Indian Health Services and Tribal Facilities, which adds inpatient services to those provided to American Indians by a qualified facility operated by IHS or a tribe to be reimbursed at the applicable rate published and specified by the IHS in the Federal Register. For more information, see the Texas Register.
- On DADS’s Behalf
HHSC adopted an amendment to §49.1, Definitions, in Subchapter A, Definitions; an amendment to §49.12, General Requirements for Participation, and the repeal of §49.19, Advertising and Solicitation of Clients, in Subchapter B, Contractor Requirements; and an amendment to §49.61, Sanctions, in Subchapter F, Sanctions and Termination, in Chapter 49, Contracting for Community Care Services. The changes delete references to solicitation rules from the DADS rule base. See the Texas Register for details.