Title XIX and Title XX Home Delivered Meals (HDM):
DADS made three changes to the HDM Contract Compliance and Fiscal Monitoring Tool. An excerpt:
Meal Delivery within the Required Timeframes
An HDM provider or subcontractor performing meal delivery must monitor each meal delivery route annually to verify meals are delivered within the required timeframes. Documentation of monitoring must include the route name/number, the date of the monitoring, and the times of the first and last meal deliveries. The applicable rule references are 40 TAC §55.27, 40 TAC §85.302, and 40 TAC §49.31.
Providers and subcontractors must complete and document monitoring of all meal delivery routes by February 29, 2012. During contract monitoring, contract staff will request a list of all of the provider/subcontractor meal delivery routes and select a sample for review. Contract monitorings that begin on May 1, 2012, and later will review route monitoring documentation for compliance with these requirements.
— DADS provided a link to the current Medicaid event calendar for consumer outreach events for STAR+PLUS expansion into the Lubbock, El Paso, and Hidalgo service areas. For more information, follow this link: http://www.hhsc.state.tx.us/medicaid/MMC/El-Paso-Lubbock.shtml.
— DADS notified HCS and TxHmL providers about a change in adaptive aid and minor home modification requisition fee policies and possible adjustments to an individual’s Individual Plan of Care. An excerpt:
Due to the recent cost-containment initiative and revisions that have been made to the Home and Community-based Service Guidelines and Texas Home Living Guidelines, requisition fees on some IPCs dated on or after 12/1/2011 are currently set higher than the program limits allow in the Client Assignment and REgistration system (CARE). The Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) is working to resolve this issue. Individuals with requisition fees included on their current IPCs that are over the allowable limits will be adjusted to the appropriately calculated amount on 12/1/2011.
— The DADS Culture Change survey will be available through December 8, 2011.
— DADS changed the service code for behavioral support available in the CLASS program from SVC 14 to SVC 43A, retroactive to November 1. 2011.
See the news alert page for details about each update.