DADS released a provider letter and posted several news alerts:
Assisted Living:
The legislature added Section 247.007 to the HSC, which requires all assisted living facilities to comply with requirements for reporting and investigating ANE. (Letter)
— DADS has revised Form 3626, Request for an Exception of Service Limit, to address frequent questions from CLASS providers on how to accurately calculate service amounts.
— DADS will host a webinar on the proposed new contract and fiscal compliance monitoring tools for CLASS DSA and CMA on Wednesday, October 5, 2011, at 9 a.m. You may retrieve materials here and register here.
— DADS will implement a pilot project that would allow certain program providers to transmit and receive forms electronically to and from the DADS regional staff. DADS will notify affected providers once it has selected the pilot project area(s). If you have questions, call the Policy Development and Oversight line at 512-438-3015.
— DADS and the Texas Board of Nursing will hold education sessions for HCS, TxHmL, and ICF provider/nursing staff and DADS surveyors/reviewers to learn about the new requirements and to clarify the board’s expectations regarding nursing scope of practice and delegation. To see details about the training schedule, visit the news alert main page and scroll down.
Training Schedule
- October 5th and 6th, 2011 in Lubbock, Texas (Lubbock Civic Center);
- October 12th and 13th, 2011 in Houston, Texas (Westin Oaks);
- October 18th and 19th, 2011 in San Antonio, Texas (Marriott Plaza);
- October 25th and 26th, 2011 in Fort Worth, Texas (Norris Conference Center); and
- November 9th and 10th, 2011 in Houston, Texas (Westin Oaks).
— On September 20, CMS posted an updated MDS 3.0 Resident Assessment Instrument Manual for October 2011. Chapter 2, Chapter 3 Section O, and Chapter 6 were updated with changes. You may download the updated manual here.
— HHSC will host a series of provider trainings in the Managed Care Expansion service delivery areas, which will allow HHSC to present information to ensure a successful expansion of the STAR and STAR+PLUS Medicaid managed care programs, managed care pharmacy benefits, and Medicaid and CHIP dental managed care. See the news alert for dates, times, and locations.
— DADS implemented an outreach initiative to increase awareness of the option among individuals receiving long-term services and supports. The materials used in the initiative are available here.