DADS released an information letter and several news alerts:
Day Activity and Health Services:
DADS reminded these providers about applicant eligibility requirements and to clarify the time frames and procedures for facility-initiated referrals initiated by DAHS facility staff.
DAHS eligibility requirements are specified in 40 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §48.2915, Day Activity and Health Services, and 40 TAC §98.201, Eligibility Requirements for Participation. The time frames and procedures for facility-initiated referrals are specified in 40 Texas Administrative Code §98.204, DAHS Facility-Initiated Referrals, and are clarified in this information letter. (Letter)
News alerts:
1. CMS is replacing the MDS 2.0 with MDS 3.0 to improve reliability, accuracy, and usefulness. The PAS and PDS scores will be temporarily unavailable on QRS beginning in January 2011, while the system upgrades. You may link to MDS resources here, and the CMS overview here.
2. The Region 6 Nursing Facilities Provider Meeting to be held on April 12, 2011, in Houston. Please register survey monkey.