DADS released three information letters:
NF Administrators, Social Workers, and Rehabilitation Therapy Staff:
DADS clarified the benefit of customized power wheelchairs (CPWCs) to Medicaid-eligible nursing facility residents. CPWCs are available in the NF Medicaid program for Medicaid-eligible NF residents when medically necessary and prior authorized by the Texas Medicaid Healthcare Partnership. Providers must submit Form 3706, NF Customized Power Wheelchair Authorization. (Letter)
Non-State Operated ICFs/MR:
HHSC approved new per diem payment rates for the non-state operated ICFs/MR, effective February 1, 2011.The new payment rates can be accessed through the HHSC Rate Analysis webs site. (Letter)
NFs and Hospice:
HHSC approved new per diem payment rates for the NF, the Hospice, and the Swing Bed program, effective February 1, 2011. The new rates can be accessed through the HHSC Rate Analysis web site. (Letter)