The following information was obtained from the December 10 issue of the Texas Register:
Proposed Rules
The Texas Medical Board proposes to amend §163.13, concerning Expedited Licensure Process, which would delete language that requires applicants for an expedited license to practice medicine to submit proof of eligibility for a visa immigration waiver.
The board proposes to amend §171.2, concerning Construction, and §171.5, concerning Duties of PIT Holders to Report, which would remove reference to “annual” reporting requirements, since annual reports are no longer required under §171.5. The amendment to §171.5 would clarify that fines, citations, or violations over $250 must be reported, not including traffic tickets, unless the traffic violations relate to the use of alcohol or drugs.
Finally, the board proposes to amend §183.3, concerning Meetings, which would provide that committee minutes are to be approved by the full board rather than by committee which is required under Robert’s Rules of Order.
For details and contact information, see the Texas Register.
Adopted Rules
HHSC adopted amendments to §355.112, concerning Attendant Compensation Rate Enhancement, which exclude Interveners I, II, and III from the definition of an attendant. DBMD providers will not be eligible to receive attendant compensation rate enhancements to the Intervener I, II or III rates.
HHSC adopted an amendment to §355.306, concerning Cost Finding Methodology, which establishes some of the requirements for completing the HHSC cost report for nursing facilities. The agency also adopted amendments to §355.510, Reimbursement Methodology for Emergency Response Services and §355.511, Reimbursement Methodology for Home-Delivered Meals, under Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 355, Subchapter E, which establishes the methodology for determining the reimbursement ceiling for both programs.
Finally, HHSC adopted amendments to §355.513, concerning Reimbursement Methodology for the DBMD waiver program to implement a reimbursement methodology for Interveners I, II and III, and to exclude these job classifications from the attendant compensation rate enhancement.
For details and contact information, see the Texas Register.