CLASS, Case Management Agencies, and Direct Service Agencies:
DADS notified these providers that updated versions of forms included n the Phase I review of CLASS forms are available. Updated forms are outlined in this three-page letter. An excerpt:
Form 1351, Decline of Offer for CLASS Program Enrollment, and Instructions:
This form is revised to update a field reference on the form from “city where CMA operates” to “CMA catchment area” to more accurately reflect contracting requirements.
Form 3598, Individual Transportation Plan, and Instructions:
Instructions for this form are revised so that these instructions are in the DADS agency form instructions format. Language was added to the form instructions to indicate that transportation for medical appointments must be arranged through the Medicaid state plan prior to the use of transportation through CLASS. References to other CLASS program forms are updated according to current program terminology. In general, instruction language is revised for purposes of clarity.
DADS informed community-based ICF/MRs of changes made to the sanctions process outlined in IL No. 09-45, dated August 3, 2009, regarding adverse actions DADS takes against providers who don’t comply with the Review of Living Options requirements in TAC Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 9, Section 9.223. (Letters)
News Alerts:
1. jRAVEN was updated in November 2010. The 1.0.3 upgrade patch or full version of jRAVEN can be downloaded from this page. Follow the instructions for installation.
2. DADS has revised Form 2217 and instructions. See this news alert section, which provides details about the changes.
3. DADS reminded everyone accessing QIES National Systems, such as MDS and CASPER, to make sure that their web browser settings meet the requirements described in this news alert section.
4. DADS reminded providers about CLASS Basic Job Skills Training to be held December 2nd and 3rd 2010, in Austin, Texas See this news alert section for topics and contact information.
5. DADS posted a set of comparison tables on its web site to help providers, case managers, families, and other interested stakeholders compare Waiver program services as they help individuals to choose and to enroll in the Waiver program that best suits their needs. Direct questions about the tables to Mary Valente at
6. DADS informed CBA, CDSA, CMPAS, DAHS, ICM 1915(c) Waiver, and PHC providers that it has revised Community Services Information Letter No. 10-95, Updated Information on the Expansion of the STAR+PLUS Program, originally published the DADS web site on July 28, 2010.
See the news alert page for details about each entry.