HHSC intends to submit Transmittal Number 10-068, Amendment Number 961, to the Texas State Plan for Medical Assistance, which would update the service description to clarify the scope of service and provider qualifications for specialized rehabilitative services provided by Early Childhood Intervention providers. For more information, see the Texas Register.
The Texas Board of Nursing approved revisions to the Differentiated Entry Level Competencies of Graduates of Texas Nursing Programs, Vocational, Diploma/Associate Degree, Baccalaureate Degree, September 2002, and approval of new document, Differentiated Essential Competencies of Graduates of Texas Nursing Programs Evidenced by Knowledge, Clinical Judgments, and Behaviors. The competencies can be found in this 72-page booklet (PDF). See the Texas Register for details.
Adopted Rules
HHSC adopted amendments to §354.1311 and §354.1312, concerning Medicaid substance abuse and dependency treatment services, to implement the substance abuse benefits for adults. HHSC adopted the repeal of §355.773, concerning Reporting Costs by Mental Retardation Local Authority Providers (MRLA), in response to DADS’s elimination of the MRLA Program. See the Texas Register for more information.
The Texas Medical Board adopted amendments to §172.5, concerning Visiting Physician Temporary Permits, which provides that applicants for KSTAR permits with prior or current disciplinary orders from a licensing entity related to professional boundaries or have been convicted of a felony are not eligible for a permit unless otherwise determined by the board.
The board also adopted amendments to §175.1, concerning Application Fees, which eliminate application fees for regular temporary licenses and distinguished professor temporary licenses, and add the fee amount for a regular temporary license to the application fee for full licensure, provisional licenses, telemedicine licenses, and administrative license.
For more information about these amendments, see the Texas Register.